Community, Danmark

Learning Danish – Just how google translate…

After the recent devastating typhoon, I noticed this post which google translate has got right. They have improved…

Foreløbig støtte fra 5 lande til Filippinerne – synes bare beløbene er meget forskellige…landenes størrelse taget i betragtning.

Danmark 42.000.0000 kr
Australien 51.710.000 kr ($10 millioner)
USA 111.142.000 kr ($20 millioner)
UK 176.920.000 kr. (£20 millioner)
Taiwan 1.111.400 kr. ($200.000)

Preliminary support from 5 countries to the Philippines – just think the amounts are very different … their size taken into account.

Danmark 42.000.0000 kr
Australien 51.710.000 kr ($10 millioner)
USA 111.142.000 kr ($20 millioner)
UK 176.920.000 kr. (£20 millioner)
Taiwan 1.111.400 kr. ($200.000)

Is Google translate always this accurate? My experience with google translate is very hit and miss.

Something to ponder about.

13 thoughts on “Learning Danish – Just how google translate…”

  1. The total danish support is 42.500.000 danish-kr, like 1$ from each dane
    – the british support is 176.900.000 danish-kr, like 0,3$ from each british
    – the american support is 111.142.000 danish-kr like 0,3$ from each american
    – the australian support is 51.710.000 danish-kr like 2,3$ from each australian

    Interesting point…


      1. First prize to them, but I guess the oil helps their economy afford this, and perhaps a more empathetic view of aid/welfare as well, when compared to our present conservative government.


      2. Norwegian people as I see them very empathetic – yes oil also gives them more opportunities, but money is not enough, the heart must be there too – sorry to say but in Denmark, maybe 2/3 like our norwegian friends and 1/3 who is against all strangers, including emergency aid…


      3. No not always – but during the last 20 year it gets worse – an ultra right wing party has been running campaign for “Denmark for Danes” – they have captured about 25 percent of the votes – that’s one of the reasons why I chose not to stay in Denmark at the moment – although I’m Danish at least 10-12 generations back, I think it’s disgusting and embarrassing.


      4. There seems to be a global xenophobic knee-jerk reaction to the terrorism war post 9/11. It is such a shame as multiculturalism was in full swing prior to this and then 9 /11 happened. Now the move and feel here is also to the right. But how can Australia be anything else than a multicultural country? We are all immigrants, here, unless you are Aboriginal. You say “danish 10 – 12 generations back.” My lineage is Danish back to 1620, that is about as far as writtten records go back.The last three generations are new Australians…(immigrants). You are not the first person to say to me, that Danmark is not the same country it used to be. Yet it is crazy to think that if the same right win philosophy is applied, I might be viewed as alien by the Aboriginals. Fear, I guess is a big driving force.


  2. That is real great, to get the accurate translation. I’m not always lucky with my Finnish – English translations, I guess the difficulty is with those culture-bound words.


  3. I have some bloggers who follow me and some blogs that I follow that are in other countries in which I am totally unfamiliar with the language. Google translate has helped quite a bit although it’s definitely not perfect! I can usually at least get the gist of their post! 🙂


    1. Yes you can usually get the gist. I guess as time goes on, google translate will get better and better. One always seems to miss the emotions in the words. I got s bit frustrated by the translation of an important phrase in a Per Pettersen novel, when, at a later date, several native speakers told me it meant a totally different thing in Danish, to what the translator had written in the English version. I guess he was putting his own interpretation on it.


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