
31 Days of Free Writing Day 3

31 Days

Five minutes of Free Writing Association  – A way of me to document my thoughts as summer approaches – a kind of cyber diary. Today’s theme – Capture



The ever-changing nature of the seasons help us notice the passing of each calendar year and summer even more so than the other four, oops three seasons, as it arrives in December, in Australia. H Handstand on beach (Small)

My summers are sub-tropical, and outdoor life a large feature. We have many barbeques with sizzling sausages, and salad, we swim, lots, we paddle in rock pools and walk the length of shoreline at the beach; we watch the waves crash repeatedly on the sand, we dive beneath the waves, and get sand up our nose; we go walking in the cool glades of rain-forest trails where waterfalls gush; we get saturated in torrential, summer thunderstorms, we eat ice cream late in the evening, we listen to the mosquitoes hum at twilight, and we lather sunscreen everywhere! All these summery events are capture on our cameras, phones, or mobile devices.


I like to take photographs, and I take many, many photos. I like the way photographs stop the endless march. For then and it is only then, we can reflect, and consider, and fully appreciate the moment in the photograph without distraction. Photographs freeze that special moment of surprise when you open a gift, or show the tearful toddler who has scraped their knee. They hold intact our memories. They stop the endless march of aging. They stop time! And my time has just run out.  More tomorrow…..

IMG_0220DSC_0142What do you like to capture on film? Something to Ponder About

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