
Quotes Challenge – DAY 1

Millie Thom knows I adore quotes almost as much as proverbs, so she has nominated me to post on the Quotes Challenge. As the day after tomorrow is the Last Proverbial Thursday post for the year, I will post the Challenge across a few weeks, instead of days.

I have created a photo logo for this challenge that you may or may not wish to use, and I will also vary the guidelines slightly, as I have many quotes worthy I feel of sharing and so will post three quotes on each post. Please also note that I dislike the term, “Rules,” and so have also customized this aspect of the challenge.

Thanks to Millie for the opportunity to showcase some fabulous quotes that I find particularly inspirational.

Confucius is a fascinating character whose quotes will feature strongly for this challenge:

Image result for clip art confucius

“Attack the evil that is within yourself, rather than attacking the evil that is in others.”
― Confucius

“Amateurs bring out qualities that professionals have forgotten…:-D

Image result for clip art reaction

And a poignant quote about life to finish for today:

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” -Charles Swindoll

Image result for clip art rulesQuotes Challenge Rules – Guidelines

The rules  guidelines are simple:

  1. Post three different quotes on consecutive days/weeks. They can be from any source, or your own.  All three quotes can be of a similar theme or can all be completely different/unconnected. I am going to post three quotes on each of the three days, but that is my variation on this challenge.
  2. Nominate 3 people for the challenge.  [ In doing this, I just wish to highlight their blog and place no pressure nor expectation that they need to accept or pass on the challenge.]

So the first nominee is:

Sally at Lens and Pens by Sally

Sally has a mobile photography blog but also incorporates some wonderful quotes and inspirational words in her photographic posts. In addition, she has a page on writings from past years.

If you haven’t yet discovered Sally, and her photographic/poetic skill, her blog is so worthy of a visit, that I know it will give you Something to Ponder About.

28 thoughts on “Quotes Challenge – DAY 1”

  1. I love the way you’ve restructured and rephrased this challenge, Amanda. The three-day-
    limit can be very restricting for some people, especially those who already have designated days for specific types of post. I also think having a Challenge Logo is a great idea. I’ve always had to find a suitable image from somewhere whenever I’ve done this challenge. As for the rules – I quite agree: the word ‘Rules’ sounds very strict and formal. Guidelines is much nicer, and user-friendly.
    I just knew you’d be great with this challenge. It’s so very you!
    As for your quotes, all three are excellent and could be discussed for some time, but I’ll limit myself to just a few words about each.
    The Confucius one is superb, and so applicable to many of us who are all too ready to condemn or criticize others. We all have our faults, and it’s better to be working on changing our own than looking for those in others. I see this as being particularly applicable to leaders, and those in positions of authority, who need to lead by example. (The ‘limit’ I imposed on myself just jabbed me in the ribs, so I’ll stop here. 🙂 )
    The second quote is also very thought-provoking. I do think it’s true that many high-ranking people in all walks of life are in danger of losing contact with – and understanding of – the requirements of others, and can so easily become unapproachable. I can think of teachers with positions of authority who have become this way with the students. Amateurs are often better euipped with knowledge of the personalities of those they deal with. In a teaching (or driving instructor) capacity, this results in them being able to find the beat methods of helping every individualto progress. They understand that everyone is different.
    The last quote, I couldn’t agree more with. Some of us are prone to making ‘mountains out of mole hills’ in some situations,when we should, perhaps, accept that things have happened that need dealing with, calmly. Then there are times when we miss excellent opportunities in life that could be beneficial in some way to us, simply by letting them pass by for lack of effort in making the appropriate response. Similarly, too often bad or upsetting things that happen to us can be swept aside, undealt with, where thay coud fester and become far worse in the end. I just felt a nast dig again, so I’ll stop rambling now.
    A lovely post, Amanda, and I’ll look forward to Day 2 after Christmas. 🙂
    Don’t get too suntanned. I’m already wiickedly jealous at the thought of everyone in Oz having barbecues on the beach. 😀

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  2. Amanda, I’m honored to be a nominee. The challenge is a worthy one, because whether the quote is famous or not, each of us can discover insights or lessons from another’s personal experience and philosophy. I will be pondering my quotes to post next week. Happy winter holidays.

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    1. Lovely, Sally! I am glad you considered the challenge worthy of posting.It is always so fascinating to see how each of us interpret the nuances of language and the sometimes hidden meanings in the words. We can spread a lot of positive messages around the world these holidays through quotes!!! Happy Holidays to you and yours to Sally!


  3. I love that Confucius quote, Amanda: “Attack the evil that is within yourself, rather than attacking the evil that is in others.”


    1. Thanks so much.😆 I am constant surprised at how profound were Confucian sayings. He really had a knack for precise, poignant words on life. This one is particularly timeless and relevant.

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    1. So pleased to see you over here, TSMS. Writing is a passion of mine. I am not anywhere near a professional writer so I also related well to Ann-Christine’s comment. There are of course, many other benefits to blogging, however the freshness of someone not bound by rules, corporate agendas or direction and even traditions in writing, is an important aspect of freedom of speech and access to a broad range of media services and opinions. I love it and it sounds like you do too?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do love it. I feel like amateur bloggers, like myself, are often full of enthusiasm, which is refreshing, and the things they (we) write or post are from the heart. The content on blogs can more sincere than i.e. other social media which is more or less about self promotion. In blogs, it’s the subject, your hobby, your passion, that is the star, not self promotion. I also feel like many professional bloggers do too much promoting in their blogs, I’ve never been into following a blog that is basically just an advertisement. So cheers to us real bloggers! 🙂

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      2. That is a good point and I had not thought about it like that before. The subject is at the forefront and the blogger is merely the messenger. And the content is important. That is what makes them interesting. Thanks for your comment.

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