
Raspberry Pie with Vanilla Sauce


This recipe for Raspberry Pie with Vanilla Sauce comes from Pike at ArtKoppi

On my menu for this weekend. Have you cooked with rhubarb? If so, what did you make?

Easy and quick rhubarb pie

1 egg

3 dl sugar

3.5 dl cream milk

6 dl wheat flour

3 tsp baking powder

100 g of butter

1 l rhubarb (or raspberries or apples)

Beat the eggs and sugar in a mess. You can also choose to float the mixer. Add the cream of milk. Add the flour and baking powder. Finally, add the melted butter and stir. Spread the dough on a baking sheet on a baking tray and sprinkle over the rhubarb. Bake for about 1/2 hour at 200 degrees. Serve with vanilla sauce though. (Google translator)

I made it like this, but next time I would use more whole grain wheat and almond flour! And with ice cream it’s best, of course!

Vanilla sauce
(4 servings)

3 dl milk
1 tablespoon of potato flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg yolk
2-3 tsp Vanilla Sugar

Measure the boiler cold milk, potato flour and sugar. Add the egg yolk and mix the ingredients properly. Remove pan from the stove and heat all the time still stirring, until the sauce thickens. Do not boil. Remove pan from heat and add vanilla. Cool the sauce between the whipping and providing.

20 thoughts on “Raspberry Pie with Vanilla Sauce”

  1. I have made rhubarb-apple crumble pie each year when the rhubarb was at its best. However, the plant must have died and no pie since.
    This year we have a profusion of parsley but even though delicious on toast with cheese, it doesn’t go well in any cakes or pies.


    1. Parsley pie would be a bit bland, Gerard. Perhaps you could make up some tabouleh with your fresh parsley or blend it with banana for a green smoothie?


  2. It looks delicious. And now I hope I’m not going to embarrass myself with this question – in your measurements you have ‘DL’. I don’t think I’ve heard of a, ‘DL’ – or am I having a senior moment?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a European measurement, Chris a this comes from Scandinavian blog. But you should find it on your measuring jug as decilitres. 1 decilitre = 100 ml


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