
Proverbial Friday – Wise Words for Life

Weekly Proverb

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You can’t heal stubbornness

~ Polish Proverb

Does this proverb reflect something about the Polish culture itself, or might it have a wider resonance in our daily lives?

We might be stubborn about matters that are important to us, because we want to be on the winning side of an argument, that is not to say that we are fixated on winning for the sake of winning, but more so that we feel reassured that others think similarly to us). If so, then this might reflect some feelings of inferiority in our inner self.

Perhaps it might also be we are concrete thinkers about right and wrong?

On the other hand, could fighting for what you believe is right, be considered by some as also being stubborn, but in a positive sense?

Weekly Quotes

There is a big empasis on working collaboratively these days, especially in the workplace. The following quote seems to confirm that approach. however, where does that leave the individual prodigy? Like the Flying fox – out on a limb?

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Shall we aim to help each other more!

Some consider a quote from Wolfgang von Goethe’s to be validation for positive criticism of a person or their ability. If you believe someone to be more capable than they outwardly demonstrate, can having another source, push you to lift your standards? Does it allow the person to see themselves from a different perspective?

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct in communicating messages to the reader.

Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned.

Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.


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14 thoughts on “Proverbial Friday – Wise Words for Life”

  1. The Goethe quote caught my eye and triggered thought – our connections to those around are active, and we have more responsibility to positively influence each person we share space & time with. Something to ponder next time I feel irritated by someone who has invaded my space.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely Ju-Lyn! It is a bit like the style of thinking that says, “if you wish to change someone else, change yourself.” Attitude is so vitally important in how events and people are interpreted, and thus also our emotional response to a situation or person. Acceptance of others is implicit in positive attitudes to others but does seem to contradict Goethe’s quote in a small way. We might feel that accepting others at their level and at their own peculiar stage of their life’s journey promotes a positive atmosphere, even if they have invaded our space or irritated us in another way. However, if we treat them as they ‘ought’ to be, is this in fact conveying a message of non-acceptance of the stage they are currently at?


  2. Ah stubborn. As fellow schnauzer owners, we know this breed is super stubborn. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad.
    As for the second and third quotes, too many people in this world—world leaders included—have a screwed up idea about how to treat others and, indeed, how to help those around them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The mini schnauzers are particularly stubborn I think? But so lovable!!
      I hear the human headline is purported to have been the best thing for news sales and journalism, in that he sells newspapers every time he owns his mouth! Intetesting what attracts our attention. If he was extra nice and well behaved, no one would be as interested. Yet we all ironically value and want cooperation and collaboration but do not pay it any attention as it serves no threat to our survival. Do you think our brains are hard wired to negativity, Peggy?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Stubbornness is something I know a lot about. I’m 1/2 German and my mother was rock headed. It taught me to be more open to new ideas. You really can’t cure it. Once my mother got a taste of life outside her bubble, she started to mellow in her attitudes a tiny bit. 😉
    Emerson was almost right. I’ve helped a lot of people only to find that the help, didn’t help. It taught me that sometimes you really should not interfere with someone else’s path. That was an eye opening lesson. Doing a kindness can be beneficial to both but I’ve learned to be very discerning about them.
    Goethe’s quote is very much like Science of Mind. If your thought sees the person as whole and complete rather than broken, you do them more good than if you continue to behave and think of them as broken in some way. Somehow, our expectations of people are always met. I had a teacher who saw us all as capable and smart and eventually, all of us were. It was an experiment conducted by the military in our school. I was shocked at the outcome. Not one of us failed. Hope you have a lovely weekend, Amanda.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The outcome of the military experiment is so interesting, Marlene. I used to read a lot of opinions about that in relation to parenthood and raising kids. But my daughter always struggled with certain subjects despite my favourable expectations. I always thought of her as more than capable but her school results never confirmed that, no matter how hard I wished it. However, now she is so mature for her age in comparison to other teenagers and she finds their antics and risk-taking a tad tedious, boring and old hat. She is ready for to get on with her next life stage, but many are still stuck in the post-school ‘yahooing’ stage, with no practical skills, at living life independently. So in unexpected ways, my expectations and parent modeling has worked a little. And ironically, now she actually ‘gets’ a lot of the concepts she struggled with during school.
      Germans have a bit of a reputation for being stoic. There’s German heritage in my family too, but it is great to see that your Mum did mellow, somewhat. Everyone can learn and adapt, if they are open to it, can’t they?

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      1. I think that’s the important part of life. Learning and adapting. Military life gave me those skills in spades. I’m not surprised your daughter has bloomed bigger and slower than her contemporaries. Mine did the same thing. Slower and brighter than her friends. School isn’t always to place to measure what they are capable of doing. Sometimes it stifles their greatest talent.

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  4. Such good quotes and the one about treating people is quite the way to edify and build up!
    And the balance between stubborn in a bad way versus firm and principled or passionate – hmmm
    Buy some folks really do have an issue with stubbornness -and I feel bad for them and those in relationship
    With them

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes, Yvette, I am really focusing on Goethe’s inspirational quote every time I think of it, when I check my blog! What a lovely world it could be if more of us practised this regularly.
    Stubborness is not so easy to deal with in relationships, that is for sure! But can we apply Goethe’s suggestions to that issue, as well. Pig-headedness is difficult to negotiate if they refuse to listen to other perspectives. Stubborness does have a yin /yang characteristic. Thanks for the thought provoking comment! I will think more about your points!


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