
Sunday Sayings – Wisdom

Weekly Proverb

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct in communicating messages to the reader.

schnauzer dogs
It is good to stand out from the crowd

Be yourself. The world worships the original.

–Ingrid Bergman

Sayings offer us knowledge; knowledge that is passed to us in much the same way relay runners might pass a baton. Once it’s handed over, it is up to us what we do with it and how we pass it on.

Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned.

Weekly Quotes

“I hate that word: ‘lucky.’ It cheapens a lot of hard work.”

–Peter Dinklage

Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.

Do you feel that luck has a lot to do with success? Are some folks luckier than others? Does that give them an advantage in life?

Or is it merely the rhythms of chance, and life ‘evens out’ in the end?

Isn’t life not always fair and even?

Something to Ponder About

I invite you to join in the discussion by leaving a comment.

Everyone’s opinion is important. What is yours?

38 thoughts on “Sunday Sayings – Wisdom”

  1. My dad used to say you can do anything you want if you’re willing to work hard enough. No one ever mentioned luck unless it related to ‘Grandma was sure lucky she didn’t die when she fell down the basement stairs.’ And yes, she was lucky.

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    1. Oh my goodness. A good family joke soI hope it didn’t actually happen. If it did, she was indeed lucky. I think some might resent others who they deem lucky, but luck can never be continuous. It has to run out for those who seem to strike it, eventually….

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  2. I’m in agreement, we make our own luck by our thinking and our work. It’s our attitude about whether we deserve to win that plays a huge part in whether we achieve or win. Hard work and planning are the other part of it.
    I’m the black dog but not as much as my sister. She revels in being the one standing out of the crowd. I always am the odd duck and have FINALLY embraced it. Good quotes.

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    1. Attitude can vary so much in how we treat ourselves and others, Marlene, or should I say, black dog! So glad you have embraced it. (I think I am also the black dog, in the photo in my family!) I like the way you phrase it, we make our own luck. Because that means anyone can achieve and realize that feeling of being lucky. To consider luck a force in life, is therefore to exclude the majority who don’t win at things. There is always only one winner in each instance and a whole lot of losers that make the winner, “lucky.” So luck is divisive and separating! Regarding attitude, I can see that if someone is perceived to be very lucky, there seems to be some underlying resentment from others. The, ‘Why didn’t I win?’ mentality. Interesting how attitude can play such a big part in this emotion! Like Alejandro, you mention planning, so, would you say that it seems imperative to beating the element of chance?

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      1. With regard to luck, my daughter has a friend who wins all the time. My daughter thought she was lucky and asked her about it. Her friend said it’s because she expects to win. She sees herself winning and never gives a thought to not winning. My daughter tried that out. She won’t even let me say anything as negative as “I HOPE you win.” Hope leaves the possibility of not winning open. Now she wins lots of things too. I’m finding what’s happening in her life very interesting. We all have a long way to go in understanding that it’s our thoughts, (attitude) that determine our results. If we believe we have good coming, it usually does. If you are one of those that keeps saying nothing good ever happens to you, you will always be right. I don’t know if it’s planning as much as being in the frame of mind to accept the good. I have not been there and am working on that a lot. I have always been one that felt undeserving of good. She is teaching me to change that expectation and it works, when I let it. Old programming creeps back in if I’m not paying attention. I’m not much help here but I’m still a student of how it all works.

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      2. Marlene, that is so very interesting. Changing the patterns of your thinking and fate around you, as well. You absolutely are deserving of luck. Just as anyone is. In the words of my first yoga teacher, You are a child of the Universe and have every right to be here.”
        The concept that you can talk yourself into being lucky, or is it the glass half full mentality? I think I will start to see myself as winning as an experiment. Shall we do it together? For a month, or three, we could both not contemplate, in any fashion, losing. Maybe that would not be long enough to swing the tides of fate? We will have to keep that old programming in check! Perhaps you have already ahead of me in your luck- seeking practice?

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      3. I think I’m lucky in so many ways. I’d almost have to write a book to share it all. Once I set my intention, write it down on paper, what I truly want, comes to pass. My daughter wants to win the lottery. I don’t think the Universe thinks it’s in her best interest but she wins in so many other areas. It’s all about perception. I’ll give the experiment a think and let you know. 🙂

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  3. Success – or luck – is the result of preparation and opportunity meeting. A certain opportunity presents itself, and you’re prepared for it. Whether it’s in the arts, a job prospect, or a romance, you have to be as prepared as possible to meet the new challenge; that is, the opportunity.
    Some 30+ years ago, while a college student, a friend and fellow student wanted to be a professional guitar player. A well-known rock singer / musician had come through the Dallas, Texas area recently to hold auditions for guitarists and other musicians for an upcoming tour. My friend was upset that he didn’t take advantage of it. “I could be out there touring the country and making money,” he lamented.
    But I knew that he’d been undergoing some personal challenges around that same time. He’d become morbidly depressed even before that rock singer had come to Dallas. I told him (my friend) that it just wasn’t his time. He wasn’t in the right place emotionally to take on the challenge of such a high-stakes audition. He initially got a little upset with me, but I reminded him of what a great guitarist he is. Then he realized I was right. He was too depressed at the time.


    1. You were very perceptive and a good friend to him in that situation, Alejandro. He sounds like he was too introspective to see the situation for what it really was, and made a sensible decision. Sometimes it seems that lamenting on lost opportunities is a way of ignoring facts. HE wasn’t lucky nor was he successful in that event. Turning points come and go in our lives and I think you are also very right in saying it just wasn’t his time. Some people use the expression, the stars didn’t align, or such like, to describe a failure, but if we think it wasn’t the right fit at the right time and place, it is by no means a failure. I tend to be a little philosophical now. Rather than lamenting, I will console myself or others by saying, well… it was obviously, not meant to be…. But coming back to your point, a component of luck may indeed be preparation. Mentally, physically intellectually and emotionally. Others may discount it as luck, and the cards do sometimes fall a certain unexpected way, however it seems that luck isn’t as prevalent as we thought in the scheme of life. If we look at how many try their hand at it on gambling and poker machines, it seems so many don’t seem to understand it, at all. Would you agree?


      1. Taking a chance on any new venture is a gamble. I personally don’t care for gambling. I don’t know a thing, for example, about black jack. That’s why I’ll probably never visit Las Vegas or Atlantic City here in the U.S. If all they have to offer is gambling, what’s the point?

        When it comes to the arts, people take some of the biggest gambles of their lives. The individual wants to appeal to a certain group or demographic and just has to produce the work and hopes they like it. But art is purely subjective, so success is measured in varying ways. Some people believe Quentin Tarantino is an ingenious filmmaker. I’ve absolutely hated the few of his movies or parts of movies I’ve watched. I’ve seen better dog food commercials! His fans say I don’t understand his “art.” That’s not true either. I just think he’s a lousy filmmaker.

        I also still don’t see how John Grisham became so successful. I started to read one of his first novels, “The Pelican Brief,” and had to stop because I felt it’s poorly-written with many stereotypical characters and clichéd plot lines. A book has to be truly awful for me to stop reading it after only X-amount of pages.

        The reverse is also true. I’ve seen movies and read books that others despise. Again, it’s a matter of personal taste.

        I spent a great deal of money to self-publish my debut novel. But I don’t view any of it as an expense or just pure money tossed into a black hole. I see it as an investment in both myself and my career. Being a published fiction writer is all I’ve ever wanted to be in life, and I’ve finally achieved it. It, too, was a big gamble, since I work as a freelance technical writer and have a limited budget. I had to put other stuff on hold and get behind a couple of bills to publish the book. I’d put this off in the past more times than I can count. But I’m hoping for the best now and that my efforts will prove fruitful.

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      2. You sound a lot like me, Alejandro. I don’t care much for Tarantino, gambling or John Grisham. I have better uses for my finite time on this planet. Producing art or creative works is such a risky business financially, yet can be so fulfilling on a personal level. I am so glad to hear that you published your book. I know that was a goal of yours and you realized it. That is success, no matter what happens. I admire you for persevering and also for prioritizing the significant sacrifice of your time, energy and money to make it happen. Well done. Blogger Mabel Kwong and I wish to publish a book but life seems to get in the way.
        You do not have to worry about your efforts. Your efforts speak for themselves. That sort of accomplishment can’t be bought. It must be earned- as you have with a little of your heart and mind. Do you sell your book on Amazon?


      3. Yes, it’s available on Amazon under J.L.A. De La Garza. The e-version has been available since December 21, and the print version became available for shipment yesterday, the 14th. The latter date also happened to be my father’s 86th birthday. While that wasn’t by design, I don’t believe it was purely coincidental either. I’ve had a few curious experiences like that, since my father’s death, but that’s another conversation.

        Indeed, I don’t anticipate becoming incredibly wealthy with my fiction writing. The joy of writing is significant to me – although not enough to do it for free! I believe many writers become famous or popular after they’ve died, which is fine with me also. If I could have that kind of impact on people after my death, then the struggle was worth it.

        I first had the idea for my debut novel some 20+ years ago and I’d always claim that life kept getting in the way of getting it published. Then I realized that I kept LETTING life get in the way. Many things are unavoidable: kids, pets, utilities, vehicles, etc. The key is not to avoid life’s challenges altogether because that’s an impossibility. We just have to manage or balance all of that in congruence with our desire to achieve other goals; in this case, writing and publishing a book.

        I know now that the biggest regret I will ever have in my life is not getting this book published while my father was still alive. It’s especially frustrating (painful) in that he helped me with some of the Spanish language dialogue, when I first began writing. My parents raised me speaking English (I was the first grandchild on my father’s side of the family to grow up speaking English), and I learned Spanish in school. But I wanted to write the Spanish language dialogue from a conversational perspective, which is how my parents knew it.

        You and Mabel will just have to make the time to work on a project together, Amanda. The time won’t fall into your laps! It never does. If you don’t grab it and secure it for what you want/need to do, something (or someone) else will take it away.

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      4. Thank you. That might be just the pep talk I needed to hear. I think it is easy to procrastinate because I am unsure of the process and next step.


  4. No, life is not fair and even … maybe it can be in several lives together, but certainly not in one.
    And happiness has a lot to do with success in my opinion. Probably the success is even crucial.
    But first we have to define success.
    I see it as a very personal, subjective thing, to put our own dreams and ideas into reality and to live morally and ethically to the best of our conscience is a success for me. Thus, people who live in poverty and in poor conditions can still be happy when they reach their very personal desires and goals and are loved because of their ethical and moral way of life.

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    1. Happiness having a lot to do with success. Hmm. That made me ponder a bit. I do agree that success is not just defined as living our dreams but also, if not more covertly defined as living morally and ethically. Living daily to the best of our ability produces a sub conscious sense of achievement, or a sense of satisfaction at the very least. If we measure it in this way, our socioeconomic status is irrelevant. I remember seeing children in Nepal, living in abject poverty – dirty clothing, playing with sticks and stones amongst the village children. But they had community, enough food to stave off starvation, basic education, a family that loved them, and friends, and a gorgeous nature surrounding them. They were smiling all the time, and yet had very little material possessions, yet I considered them very wealthy in other ways. Life is not fair and even at all, attitude makes all the difference.

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  5. Exactly, it starts with the attitude. If I do not constantly look for others, compare myself and adopt values ​​and norms of society, but define my values, norms, dreams and goals, I have something that gives meaning to my life. And the success in it brings happiness.
    There is a proverb here that I find interesting. “Among the blind people, the one-eyed is a king!” It is usually used to reduce achievement provided (because the competition was not good enough) … that’s exactly what I find a pretty stupid approach, because compare yourself with the best in the world and you’ll never be happy ….

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    1. Thanks again for your comment, Anie. I guess the proverb might be trying to build self esteem in those who are less abled or less fortunate than others. You can still be on top of the pile even if you have a disability. And don’t let that disability alone define you. Having said that, you are so right about comparisons. If the poor in the third world constantly compared themselves to others they would be desperately unhappy and no doubt there are many who feel like this. However, there are a lot who don’t! They are much more self contained, and enjoy and gain happiness and contentment from the simple pleasures of life. Sometimes the burden of living in a materialistic world is complicated and heavy… there is even a label for it, ” First world problems!” I feel you might agree with me, that the media are to blame(?), in influencing thinking in the West whereby materialism and purchase of new items is emphasized? And it is moving into the East in a “We want that too,” kind of thinking.

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  6. I am completely of your opinion. The media are responsible and it is a problem of the first world. And yet I ask myself, what do people think when they see the “beautiful and rich” on TV every day, because a television exist almost everywhere even in the poorest areas.
    It’s nice how you interpret this saying that I’ve named, and it would be nice if it’s meant to build self esteem in weaker people. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it is the opposite, because it is said to relativize the performance of a person. So for example if a child is the best pupil in a village school. Bad guys would say, the kids who go to this school are all not that smart … it is easy to be the best…..

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    1. Oh what a negative attitude those ‘bad guys’ have! It is an interesting phenomenon here that some of the very smallest high schools produce more of the top students each year. Perhaps it is more individual attention fron the teachers, more individualized teaching plans as three schools are definitely not as well resourced as city schools. Of course they are still in the first world though, so that is always an advantage in many ways.

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      1. Yes although it is perhaps not always meant in a bad way it comes from a elitism and I am happy to hear that there is such a success in these little schools… bravo the teachers!

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    1. Hi again Manja! If you read Marlene’s comment about her daughter and the proposed experiment Marlene and I discussed, then you can assist in helping yourself become lucky! At least it happened with her daughter. So far, it seems that it is working also with me. Mind you, my headset now is to look for luck, and perhaps I am merely seeing it more often because I am searching for it. Lucky is indeed a good word!!

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      1. I have read it. This matter has many viewpoints. I played cards semi-pro, for 10 years. I’ve seen luck at work, both in my play and in other people’s. My experience is that the luckiest people were either: those who almost died in the past (I couldn’t win against two players in particular who were in a coma once in their lives), those who had a terrible illness and really couldn’t care less for the cards, or those who cheated. For sure it’s a no no to believe you don’t deserve it, or to complain that you never get it, or to envy other people’s. I have a problem with people aggressively pushing their luck but that’s on them to worry about. I just just step away. I feel myself very lucky all the time as it is, so to wish even more luck on me would be a bit exaggerated. 😉 But I agree with this form of calling luck’s attention to you.

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      2. Luck is an interesting topic and one that is rarely examined in any depth. Is it entirely random or is there a pattern of evening luck out, in the end? Can you promote luck by thinking positive? I am still trying that one out. To aggressively promote luck sounds like an overbearing, all positive, but painful, pushing person – (stereotype).Ther eis a danger that these folks could blind themselves being overly positive to the point of being ridiculous. On the other hand, you make a good point that it is on them to worry about, and that there might be some level of wishing luck that is acceptable. Interesting to think of having limits to luck. The pro cards player with the attitude/nefarious activity (lol) and near death experience sounds also interesting. Do you know what it was about them that made them so skilfull or was it wilful?

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      3. This last is a good question. There were two similar players with coma background who continuously beat me. Both were smiling and kind but when playing completely fearless and ferocious. As if they knew what would happen. An extremely peculiar sensation. I must say that I tried to emanate this outlook because they looked so cool. 😀 I don’t know how successful I was, you should ask my opponents. 😉

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      4. Fascinating, Manja! Near death experience seems to give them prophetic like abilities. And that they three caution to the wind when playing – I must read up on this a bit more. Whether there had been any studies of this. Obviously it can not be faked. May I ask how you got into pro card playing?

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      5. It was semi-pro, meaning only top 5 got moderate cash awards, a local game, not poker. We played at national championship tournaments, around 200 players per tournament, 20 women. Highly interesting as humanity studies. 😀 And I won a couple. The entire nation plays this game, I didn’t even know about this level of playing for the longest time but then we started to go there regularly, my parents too for a while. Yep, prophet-like abilities, this is correct. Highly desirable for a card player.

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      6. Wow a traditional card game! Congratulations on your wins! That is a big achievement!I found this sentence on how people felt when experiencing Near-death experiences; or at least a well known source (Wiki)! LOL. Among these changes, he found a greater appreciation for life, higher self-esteem, greater compassion for others, less concern for acquiring material wealth, a heightened sense of purpose and self-understanding, desire to learn, elevated spirituality, greater ecological sensitivity and planetary concern, and a feeling of being more intuitive.

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