
Sunday Sayings – Stereotypicals

Is this true?

The graphic depicts the common stereotypes,  but it does not depict the individual who comes with conflicting viewpoints and contradictions.

Stereotypes fall in the face of humanity. We human beings are best understood one at a time. 
Anna Quindlen

Stereotypes might even be a mind’s way of dealing with the infinite complexities of our human personas, in shorthand.

For we ARE all individuals, no matter how similar or how different from one another.

Indeed, the Taoists say, ” it is possible to appreciate people for their uniqueness – like you might enjoy a certain song. You don’t have to analyse and pull it apart.”

If we stop comparing people to other people, and instead appreciate differences, we might experience a greater level of contentment, in our own mind and ourselves.
Conversely, complaining about others means we are effectively allowing ourselves to feel irritated or disturbed that things aren’t as we think they “should be.”

A bad neighbour glosses over your qualities and reveals your faults. 

~ Algerian proverb

Letting others be just who they are, means being a lot more flexible and accepting. Even consciously having less expectations.

More peace of mind might result from changing attitudes, than by changing circumstances.

There’s a difference between being yourself and being your stereotype.   
Iggy Azalea

What do you make of stereotypes? Are they always right or usually wrong?

Everyone’s opinion is valid.
What is yours?

28 thoughts on “Sunday Sayings – Stereotypicals”

  1. I think it’s hard to avoid stereotyping people, we draw conclusions from our experiences. Culture has a lot to do with this, but also human nature is largely predictable. I think this can only ever be a broad brush approach though. Everyone is unique and people are always capable of surprising you, be it good or bad. It would be nice to get to know everyone, but we just don’t have the time or the energy, so we fall back on our preconceptions for convenience, we do need to have control, and that means thinking we understand.
    Well that’s just a few of my thoughts!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey Gavin, Appreciate the comment! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is absolutely hard not to stereotype as it is innate for many folks to look for connections and categorize them into groups. But in doing so, we wrong the individual who might differ so wildly from the next person in that same group. And differences often tend to feed fears and in turn, prejudice.

      Do you also think human nature can still be largely predictable, when we might paradoxically be, so utterly individual? I think we certainly might generalize about basic emotional responses but how often do we get communications wrong? Misjudging, misinterpreting, misunderstanding?
      As you said, folks can surprise you. Is it also just to save time that we stereotype, or could it be the grouping phenomenon that makes us want to say we ‘know’ the other person? Be that good or in a bad sense. In this case, do we fear the unknown and instead claim to ‘know” what the other person may not be like, based on the assumption of their group characteristics.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Very well put. I think the human brain likes to compartmentalise things for simplicity, but this will always lead to misinterpretation of circumstance. My perspective as I work my way through my sixth decade is I know enough now to know that there will always be a different perspective on any situation and through that any preconceptions are likely to be incorrect.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes! Age is a wonderful wizening experience. It is coincidence that I was just saying this to my daughter recently. That is: the clear difference between approaching a problem in a mature way or not is whether you fully understand that circumstances are rarely black and white. Recognizing that others may see things totally differently and that it is helpful if one can place oneself in the other’s shoes and determine why they might be running along those lines.
        Sixth decaders rock!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I am really enjoying the liberating aspect of getting older. Less worry because experience tells you everything passes,much like bad weather. And things work out in the end, fir the most part. I can see you also understand that we are always learning something new, tangible or intangible!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooo. That is a great way to look at it. The external tells one nothing about what the internal and more significant part is about. Sort of like detecting a person based on only seeing their lower leg!!! Lol!! Do you think they are akways around 20% truth. How often would they get it completely wrong, Fatima?


      1. Well..I’m in Sales so need to qualify clients for my job.I always feel that the nationality,age,gender etc which qualifies a stereotype applies at least 15-20% to a person.Their nationality alone does give you a good idea about the person at least the basics and the rest I will need to find out with conversations.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly, Cynthia. And often it leads to resentment or a feeling of mistrust, if there has been a misunderstanding. Best to avoid that, if we can.There are most likely good and bad in every group if we are open to seeing it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your opening put a big smile on my face, a fine mirroring of social media – but that’s not life, is it?


    1. Thanks for your comment, Dina. Yes it is true. Life isn’t like the graphic. And perhaps that is why we find them amusing. We laugh because it is funny to think everyone is lumped in with the same characteristics – laconic, easy going, super confident, self-depracating. It is healthy to be able to laugh at oneself’s drawbacks, or even one’s cultural drawbacks, but definitely a no-no to laugh at someone else’s.


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