
CBBH Photo Challenge: Same Subject, Different time

I am a latecomer to this challenge, having found the nice recommendation of my  blog from Cocoaupnorth, and was inspired to submit a series of photos for this challenge. I had a few photos of sunsets/seasons that would fit nicely, but I was sure others would do this theme, and where I live in Australia, there is only one or two seasons, of which you see no difference in the foliage of the trees, so I have chosen a series of photos, taken at different times, but closely together. These were taken in New Zealand during winter, near the famous Mt Cook, mountain climbed four times by the first man to climb Mt Everest, Sir Edmund Hilary.

Indeed around the corner from these photos, is a statue to the great man who has done so much for the country of Nepal.

Merino Sheep, Mt Cook
Sheep mob up ahead

Mt CookThe Merino sheep found at Mt Cook Sheep station is the finest in the wool and has sold for a million dollars a bale. The micron of the fleece is the highest in the world. And what a location for a sheep station?

Mt Cook Merino sheep
Closing in on the mob

Merino sheep Mt Cook

Sheep New ZealandHuntingdon dogs ready to keep any strays in check.

Mt Cook Merino Sheep
No way around for the bus
Sheep Merino wool Mt Cook
splitting the mob

Oh no! Another pack….

Something to ponder on today.

6 thoughts on “CBBH Photo Challenge: Same Subject, Different time”

  1. Welcome to the CBBH Photo challenge.

    I LOVED your photos and they are all the more special to me because I have visited Mt Cook and stood beside the statue of Sir Edmund Hilary!

    Thank you so much for the reminder and for sharing links to two blogs you enjoy.

    Well done!


    1. Oh, thanks so much, Marianne. It is a special place. I too have a holiday snap beside the statue of Edmund Hilary! It was so much fun participating in the challenge and I look forward to joining in with more in the months ahead.


    1. Your comment made me smile, as this held the bus up for some time. But no one was bothered too much. Everyone was fascinated at how careful the bus driver was at not hurting any of the sheep!


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