Australia, Community, Environment

Cedar Creek Sunday Picnic


Even though the weather was a bit dismal today, it suited me fine to go for a picnic at Cedar Creek, around 40 minutes drive from home.  I did take my raincoat just in case. Doubting Thomas husband and Miss 13, weren’t convinced, particularly when a heavy shower hit us half way to our destination. Scoffing at their admonishments, I reminded them that all we needed was a good half hour interval of no rain to sit and eat our picnic lunch, and if it continued to rain, we would just find a nice cafe under cover somewhere???? Sounds convincing, doesn’t it?


Well as luck would have it, the weather Gods smiled at my optimism and patches of blue sky emerged from the misty clouds of the D’agular Range. Only one other family braved the weather, so we had Cedar Creek to ourselves, once they departed.

Usually there are throngs of people there, enjoying the environment and outdoors.

So here is my Cedar Creek Picnic Story, in pictures:

Lovely reflections in this pool.Cedar Creek, Australia

Go Rock Hopping, swimming, paddling, in cool clean rock pools which were great to try out the varying shutter speed settings on the new camera: Top Photo 1/2500  Bottom photo: 1/13

Cedar creek

DSC_0158 DSC_0199

and my favourite pic

Tiffany Schnazuer enjoying Cedar Creek
Tiffany Schnauzer enjoying Cedar Creek

DSC_0163After our picnic lunch, I captured a rather nice reflections photograph.

and some nature shots….

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Upstream there is an Art Gallery selling Devonshire Tea, but our tummies were full from our picnic of rolls and fruit, so we left that for next visit. On the way back, we spotted what might just be the entrance to Vlad’s haunt in Australia!! The less than inviting gargoyles reminded me of the baby vampire bats in ‘Van Helsing’ and obviously the owner, had a few pennies to spend on the Gate tower! IMAG0340Our path home led us through Dayboro, which is about 16 kilometres from the Cedar Creek Turnoff. Dayboro is renowned for its butcher, selling 50 varieties of sausage, the pub, and the bakery. I was more interested in the bat colony, (this time it was flying foxes, not bats) that resided in the tree tops above the “Pump shop” – such raucous screeching noises!!!

Nice country SE Queensland scenery capped off the day.


To find Cedar Creek, Take the road west from Brisbane towards Samford Village, and then head north to Samsonvale and Dayboro. Take the Cedar creek road which is about 6 kilometres along from Samford. Then follow this until you see the Cedar Creek sign on the left. ( around 4 kms). Take the road north again back to Dayboro, which is clearly signposted, and from Dayboro it is but a short drive past Lake Kurwongbah, and Old Petrie Town (great hand made markets there), and back to Brisbane again.

Just me, pondering about the weather, or something!

Something to Ponder About