Book review

30 Day Book Challenge – Day 3 – The longest book you’ve read

I started this challenge and am already in denial that it is tedious, well at least this topic is. The longest book I’ve read, an epic novel?Do we have to talk about the long boring ones?

As I haven’t read War and Peace, and the Stieg Larrson trilogy is just that: a trilogy,  the longest individual book I have read, would have had to be Tolkien’s, Lord of the Rings. Don’t ask if it is 1,2, or 3….

I waded through that with my son when he was young.  Can’t say I remember too much of the book, that hasn’t been indelibly imprinted in my brain from watching re-runs of LOTR on DVD.

I will ponder more interesting topics tomorrow I hope….

27 days to go….

3 thoughts on “30 Day Book Challenge – Day 3 – The longest book you’ve read”

  1. I don’t know whether it’s the longest book I’ve ever read, but it’s taken me 30 years to wade through War and Peace. Why is that book so tough?


    1. I agree, Lulu. It does seem like a heavy book, in content and weight. I think if the story does not rivet your attention or is too complicated, it will slow your reading pace.


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