Australia, Environment

More Environmental Initatives for Recycling

In my locale, over 22,000 used tyres have been recycled into a new product, called Carbonfelt, to resurface700 metres of road that would normally be dumped in a toxic landfill.

In the process, 93,000 kgs of carbon have been drawn up and saved from being emitted into the atmosphere.

Racing champion, Paul Morris, says Austek’s new product, ‘Carbonfelt,’ is durable, absorbs road-noise, cost is no different and grips in the wet. “This should be everywhere.”

I love hearing stories like this.

More about waste-education in our area.

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35 thoughts on “More Environmental Initatives for Recycling”

    1. Yes indeed, Brian. I was thrilled when I read it. Unfortunately, this kind of story isn’t always seen in mainstream media. I found it hidden on a page in the boondocks of the council website.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It probably had coverage when some pollie and “men in suits” patted themselves on the back, pretended to hand over the “big cheque” made from corflute and vowed never to come back. It could be dirty and have actual workers, not just rounded up workers in clean clothes, shiny Hi-vis and polite clapping. There may have been a council media release when it was first used after that……..crickets.
        There should be more niche small industries in most towns like the tyre place. There would be an optimum number of tyres needed to make enough to cover all costs and have enough in the kitty for upgrades when technology changes – the govt should chip in as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I agree. All these ‘shoulds,’ Brian. I wish they could be converted to ‘does.’ I imagine that tyre recycling could happen in a similar way to ordinary recycling via transfer drop off centres or collections.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. So much could be done. Pay people for it and it is a resource not a problem. Since the 10c return on bottles and cans roadside litter doesn’t have plastic bottles, bottles or drink cans much any more.

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      4. If only fastfood places paid people to bring back their leftovers and containers wouldn’t that clean up the highways. Always know when it’s school holidays out my way by the increase in that litter. Red and white really stands out.

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      5. I think many McD’s used to make their staff walk around the perimeter of the store to check for packaging litter. But the sheer volume and omnipresence pisses me off.

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    1. With all the dismal news about, it is encouraging to read of progress on this front. Had you heard of this kind of recycling before? It was news to me.


  1. Great story and I like the little quote at the back. The ijits here are burning brush that has come down from the storm. I can’t go out because there is so much smoke in the air. They don’t even deserve the full name of idiots. Our park is collecting the brush and grinding into mulch to fill in spots that have been eroded by rain. I’m so proud that they spent the extra money even though I know we will pay in the end. My breath is more important than money. Thanks for sharing, Amanda.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Marlene, thank you so much for mentioning the quote. It is quite apt and gets right to the heart of the environmental problem we face. The air we breathe and its quality is the prime element for life. We need it to be protected above all else. You know that only too well. I do hope that smoke goes away and the ijits are rounded up and made to understand what they are doing. Why are so many fires deliberately lit by these crazies? Isn’t there a better way for them to get the attention they crave?
      We may pay in the end for the remedies to our environment but is always better than paying with our future or our lives. Breathe easy, Marlene. I appreciate your visit.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Fantastic as far as emissions go, I am curious though as tyres slowly emit toxins (that is why it is recommended not to use them in the garden or as a building material) it would be interesting to see if that has been altered in the production of this road base. Great read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Now that is a good point. I imagine that the emissions are much less than that of asphalt production, which is also quite toxic. I will research further, Linda. Thanks for raising that.

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  3. These are the kinds of innovative solutions that we’re going to need in order to meet our climate goals. It’s unfortunate that they don’t get as much publicity as other kinds of news.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The fact that environmental initiatives don’t get headline news is the reason I am writing about them. And that is where we as bloggers can influence debate by raising the matters on our blogs and increasing awareness.


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