Mental Health

Suicide – A Tragic loss of Hope

Suicide is a desperate act by someone who has lost all hope, or seeks to punish, or who suffers from intolerable mental pain and anguish.  There is nothing more devastating to a family than a young person who suffers in this way.


White wreaths lay in the city park today with accompanying stories of lives ( many of them young people) lost, of families split apart and heart – wrenching messages of grief, loss and sorrow and disbelief from those left behind. The messages also contained the chilling method these people chose to end their life.It was an intensely sobering and emotionally upsetting experiences walking amongst the wreaths. Some victims were as young as 14 or 15 years old.   A member of my own family has in the past, suffered with suicidal thoughts for a time and my thought was, ” When there is nothing else, there is always hope!”  There is always hope, isn’t there? I can only imagine the torment that would drive someone to commit suicide believing there was no more hope that things could improve.

Australia has one of  the highest rates of youth suicide in the world.

The White wreath Association aims to increase awareness of the social impact mental illness, and in particular, suicide has on our society and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. A choir all dressed in white, sang, “Things will get better” and the white wreaths were a pure and stark reminder of how many lives were lost to suicide this year, in one city alone. The white wreath association encouraged everyone to wear white to work on 29 May in support of their worthy cause.

If you know someone who has talked or contemplated suicide, I urge you to encourage them to tell someone about it, seek help and for you to be as supportive as you can. Do not turn your back on them especially if they have a plan of just how they would carry it out. This is a desperate and urgent call for help or attention. For suicide affects everyone around the victim and many lives are irrevocably changed and destroyed for ever.

White Wreath Association aims to:

  • Provide Advocacy and support to the sufferers of mental illnesses and their families.
  • Provide support to the family and friends of suicide victims through our National White Wreath Day held on the 29 May each year.
  • Raise awareness of the social impact mental illness has on our society.
  • Reduce the stigma associated with mental disorders through public awareness campaigns like White Wreath Day.

We are losing thousands of Australians each year to SUICIDE. With help, we can reduce our alarming suicide statistics and build centres to provide a brighter future and quality of life for those in need.

Something sobering to ponder about today

13 thoughts on “Suicide – A Tragic loss of Hope”

  1. Sadly, I know a few who have committed suicide and sadly it effects those left behind so much. We have a crisis in our country (US) with lack of understanding of mental health issues. I really hope this changes soon as it seems their is more despair, violence and suicide then ever.


    1. It is said that half the population will be touched by mental illness. To me that is an epidemic and so much more research and support needs to go into it by government, community, ancillary groups and individuals. It is something I feel very strongly about. Prescriptive treatment like medicines are still really in the infant stage of development. The mind is a fragile and complex area. But our future is at stake.


      1. I wish I had some suggestions but all I can say to anyone out there thinking about it is their is always tomorrow, I think when you are depressed it is hard to see past the moment you are in. Life has it’s moments of despair but things always have the potential to get better. Personally as bad as things get, I want to stick around to find out. For me it was heartbreaking to see those who were close to those who did this suffer so much.


      2. You have made a good point here. The mind follows certain neural pathways in the thought patterns, and it is difficult to find the strength to detour one’s thinking from one pathway to another. (This requires thinking about one’s thinking). In the depths of despair, the thoughts seem to be in some kind of endless loop so this is near impossible. However, I like your words: “Personally as bad as things get, I want to stick around to find out.” Hopefully words such as this will click or resonate with those who are contemplating suicide. And I can well imagine the heartbreak the family and friends of the person you knew, endured. As I said to M.R.: Hell would then be real…..


  2. Oh do I hear you on this. Too many people suffering mental health issues don’t have access to the care they need.
    I applaud you for writing about the White Wreath Society and encourage everyone to look into whatever psychiatric resources are available in your area, even if you don’t need them yet…you never know who may cross your path who might benefit from your awareness.
    Some mental health crises manifest seemingly overnight and if a family member or friend is quite literally losing their mind in front of you, it helps to know who to call or where to turn. Trust me on this…in volatile situations are a lot more manageable if you’re prepared!


    1. This is very true Karen and thank you for your helpful and insightful comments. I do hope it encourages awareness of this serious issue. Ultimately, it makes for a better and healthier society if mental health is improved.


  3. Good advice above, and a sad but worthy post. We must fight our government’s proposed changes to school funding for appropriate councillors to deal with those in need. It is vital.


  4. I have never heard of this association before. Every country needs one. To lose a child like this would not be possible to take. These diseases are increasing constantly – I didn’t know about the stats for Australia. Terrible.


    1. Thanks for your caring comment Ann Christine. The suicide rate is higher in the rural areas possibly due to lack of access to support services and higher rates of youth unemployment and access to guns etc. Asphyxiation and trains seem to be methods chosen by the city kids according to the wreaths in the city that day. So tragic.


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