
Why Make it Yourself? Travel theme – Handmade

When it comes to darning socks, almost no-one does it anymore. Cheap items and time poor couples with high disposable income,  have relegated simple repairs to low priced essentials, to the pages of history books.

Shouldn’t we be overjoyed that we are freed from the yoke of menial tasks?

If so, why do I feel relaxed when making something with my bare hands; why am I so drawn to up-cycle items where possible, or feel desperate to create an individual item that was designed and made by me even though it is not so appreciated in today’s world? I am hopeful that design trends may come full circle and a retro movement will one day re- introduce hand made objects in preference to ready made, shop- purchased, mass- produced items? Or am I just  ‘dreaming?’


Factory made items lack the durability and quality of hand made and not only do they not last, but are sterile and you can see them duplicated in almost every home. Is this really what we want? No need to travel except to see the difference in natural landscape as no cultural individuality will exist?

Children are not taught practical hands-on skills either at school or by their overstressed, time-poor parents, so we are fast becoming a consumer in all senses, and are no longer creating. Where will this end? Do we realise fantastic one offs such as this wood carving will no longer be obtainable?IMG_20140614_204023

For these reasons, and more, I am drawn to any hand-made items on my travels. For these are items usually developed from crafts, that have evolved, in a small locale and been handed down  over many generations.  They scream workmanship, love, beautiful, naturally-synchronous ‘form’ and function. They inspire me to create  – more and more!

Ailsa’s Hand made travel theme was a no-brainer – I had to participate. How about you?

Something for our hands and brains to ponder about?


embroidery project

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7 thoughts on “Why Make it Yourself? Travel theme – Handmade”

  1. Handmade is dearer than made in China! They are special. Good way of explaining the importance of hand made

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ll admit to never having darned a sock in my life lol. But I do love homemade stuff. When my kids were little, we used to make our own Christmas Bonbons. They had a ball writing their own bad jokes and finding silly toys to put in that suited the person they were making them for. It’s a shame that people feel they can even begin to compare something made by hand to something mass produced, but sadly, they think price is the only comparison. Still, there will always be those who can see the beauty!


    1. I could count the number of socks I’ve darned in my life on one hand,Livonne. And me who prefers hand made! I think we need some of both options as we cannot always afford the price the hand made Iitem costs. I love the sound of the bob bons. What fun making them. I might try that this Christmas myself!!


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