
Sunday Sayings – Our Environment Let’s change the World

Climate change is an important issue that each of us can contribute to increasing awareness about, through our photography and posts. So today, on Sunday sayings, I explore several environmental quotes that resonate with me. We can make a difference in our daily practices wherever we how in the world, however we live.

Do you know how?


One planet, one experiment

– Edward O. Wilson

We have been showcasing photos on our interpretation of climate change on Friendly-friday-photo, a weekly photo challenge on WordPress.

[If you wish to join in see more Friendly Friday.]

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct in communicating messages to the reader.

Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned.

Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.

Join in the discussion by leaving a comment.

Everyone’s opinion is important. What is yours?

Something serious to ponder about.

#OneWorld Let’s change it.

39 thoughts on “Sunday Sayings – Our Environment Let’s change the World”

  1. Thanks for continuing the theme Amanda! These two quotes are so apt! Especially the first one, it’s the brutal truth that so many of us starein the face and ignore. ”Someone else will clean it up, someone else will fix this”… But, like you said earlier, there’s always hope 😊 We can at least talk/write about it and bring it to the top if people’s minds!

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    1. You are welcome, Snow. I would shout it from the rooftops if need be! The world is finite, there is no disputing it. And I am going to be sharing that #OneWorld Let’s change it at every opportunity. Thanks to you for putting that idea out there. I don’t know why man thinks someone else will come along and fix it. It is a child’s mentality, not a mature considered reflection.

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      1. She is so young, so strong. It is so wonderful to hear a young person so deeply committed to the environmental cause. I am wondering if her whole family is involved in direct action?

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      2. Apparently there were similar strikes in Australia but it failed to reach mainstream media as sadly, they appeared too focused on preventing asylum seekers from getting medical care. I found this: “Australia was one of the first countries to mobilise. Last November, organisers estimate 15,000 students went on strike. Last Friday, students lobbied outside the offices of the opposition party. On 1 March, they will target the federal treasurer’s office. Two weeks later, they will join the global strike.” – The Guardian

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  2. I must confess that I hadn’t been aware of Greta before Snow posted her Friendly Friday post. And I’m here, in Europe (but don’t follow the news much). What she is doing is great. I’ve just seen that in Slovenia next Friday some students, teachers and parents are talking about a school strike. I’d love to be in school, if only to skip school for this reason! Thank you both for raising this important issue. Step by step…

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    1. Researching this movement inspired by Greta has been eye opening and satisfying for me. Satisfying in the sense that school kids are away so young of the wider environmental issues and calling out policymakers. Skipping school – hey we all did it onetime, but doing it to participate in direct action like this would be exciting.

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  3. We talk about environmental issues here almost daily. I have also seen the Youtube Ted talk Greta gave in English. It will be the next generation that figures out how to fix this. My niece in her second year of college is quite the activist on environment and her mother is an environmental lawyer. The saying is “when you know better, you do better” but that does not seem to be the case for so many. I’ve saved the photos you shared here. I can guarantee, money is not as valuable as clean air. I wish I could pound some sense into those that think it doesn’t matter. My mother always said her cigarette smoke wouldn’t hurt us. Little did she know. ;(

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    1. Your niece’s Mum is right. Many are blissfully and stubbornly ignorant until a swath of opinion convinces then otherwise. Someone once said to me, ” I don’t know what the (greenies), conservationists, are fussing about – there are plenty of trees.” That was justifucation, alone, to her for cutting back rainforest in sensitive areas or burning down the Amazon. They have scant knowledge of the implications of these decisions and yet proffer an opinion that spreads like a contagion amongst the ignorant. They find it hard to believe any opinion that threatens their choices or way of life. They get the bigger shock when disaster strikes.
      I am glad to hear that there is daily talk on environmental issues in your part of the world- a good sign that things are moving in the right direction.

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      1. That is so encouraging to hear. I think I would like that area too. What areas are they staunchly anti-climate change. (If you can say without feeling that someone may interpret the discussion as provocative, Marlene).

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      2. That’s really hard to pinpoint as there are a mix of pro and con in every area but as you move further east and south and definitely the midwest you find people more mindful of their purses than their planet. I believe we can have both if we have more people doing ethical business. We’ve lost that in recent years. Had a long conversation with my son on that last week.

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      3. It is difficult to match economic benefits as there is always a hefty price for set up. I think we have to bite the bullet and pay up first to make a better, less costly outcome with longevity. A bit like solar power. Expensive initially, but it is free forever after. Recycling soft plastics is hideously expensive but as demand grows, the sale of products returns more on the investment. Business has always gone for the short term payoff. This is a big reason we are in the mess we are in now. That thought the planet could continue to swallow effluent and pollution. It has limits. #OneWorld Let’s change it.

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  4. Quotes that are poignant such as E.O. Wilson’s short yet on point. Yes, the world’s number one priority is to heal and save the planet. Most people do not understand, for example, how many will be displaced by climate change. It’s already happening. That’s just one ramification out of many.

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    1. Whilst there is much to be concerned or worried about when it comes to climate change, Sally, I think there is hope that there is so much awareness about the potential damage. That gives me hope that things will change for the better. But we must still continue to spread the message, so that we are not too late to save the planet. Thanks for your comment. E.O. Wilson’s point does hit home rather bluntly, but blunt approaches are warranted. This is a serious matter. Are you referring to the Pacific islanders when you talk about displaced persons, or another community somewhere?


      1. I’m referring to countries that depend on agriculture for economic stability. People are moving to find other ways to survive. While we have much immigration due to civil rights, political and social assault on humanity, climate change is also causing immigration and will continue to do so.

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      2. Absolutely agree, Sally. And a good point. It is not just about polar ice melt and sea water levels rising but also about weather changes that make agriculture impossible, and also over reliance on high yield crops that need heavy fertilisations to grow. (The green revolution varieties); we have lost many of the original species of crops – the ones that happened to be the most resilient. It is disturbing.


      1. i’m away from home now… i’m working overseas… but i will be home next year and planning to open a small junkshop business… recycling process i think will
        start from there… i really hope i could make it happen

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      2. That sounds very exciting, Kristin. A very worthwhile thing you are doing, and fun as well, finding all those treasures that others might throw away. Have you worked in that area before?


      3. Honestly not yet but we used to sell bottles and plastics to those who collect these things. Then when they have enough items, they will sell it to the junk shop… it’s a very good business in the philippines plus one of the excellent ways to help the environment…


    1. How lovely to have a microcosmitic environment post. Indeed, we have a micro environment around us, but we also need to care for the macro in order for the micro to exist.

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