
Buy one thing

Come on Aussie, come on.

Support our smaller shops doing it tough.

Buy just one thing from our smaller gift shops to keep them going through this crisis, or when it is over, we won’t have those beautiful shops to browse through.

Your purchase doesn’t have to cost much.

Australians are renowned for their community spirit and helping one another. If we all join in, we can help each other get through this crisis.

The following link takes you to a small kitchenware shop in Buderim Queensland who has the most wonderful gifts.

Kitchen Mojo Shop at Buderim on Instagram

Unique Kitchen products include a trolley cover for shopping trolleys. They are made locally and make a wonderful gift for an elderly neighbour or relative.

They prevent germs from touching the handles of the trolley while doing your shopping.

When will you order yours?

28 thoughts on “Buy one thing”

    1. Thanks for the re-blog, Sarah. It might be in Australia, but this could equally apply to America, and there is global online shopping too!


  1. I absolutely loved Buderim when – a thousand years ago – we were there during a film shoot. I can well imagine that any shop there is stocked with stuff as nice as the town. I shall go and have a look ..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a sweet little town, and I do like it. I would happily live there. Many Southerners come up for a holiday, discover it and fall in love. Being so close to the beach, but higher up, it is cooler and still you feel as if you are in a artsy country town. Enjoy your internet surf, M-R.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. In New Jersey, if it is not a grocer or a restaurant or a pharmacy, or a business deemed essential (pet food, home repair, etc.), it is considered non-essential and is closed. Gift shops in NJ are not regarded as essential.

        Amazon is prioritising the delivery of essential items (hand sanitise, toilter paper, etc.) over everything else. Many large online retailers in the USA (e.g. Best Buy) are refusing returns as they have no staff to handle the returns.

        Where I am, most shops are independently owned. Some businesses (the better-financed ones) were able to scramble together an online ordering system but do not do the delivery, especially if they furloughed employees due to a fall-off in business. You can pick up outside the business by waiting in a queue outside. You’ll need to wear a face mask and stand 6 feet away from the person in front of you. Restaurants are especially hurting because people are worried about infection from prepared food.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yeh here in our little town most of the shops are open, don’t do online & if you re caught by the police browsing & shopping for non essentials its a $1000 to $1500 fine so its a bit tricky. My son got a warning from police whilst getting a coffee on his way home from work.. SO many contradictions… I love the trolley idea. Have a great week.


    1. Wow – your area sounds really strict. Getting a coffee doesn’t sound like it is too much of an issue as you are supporting local business. And he was on his way home from work. I drive 50 km to work so they could take me to task about that too!
      I hope your week has been good despite the difficulties?


    1. I am sure you would do likewise in your corner of the world. And I think the shop owners would appreciate it too. It will push some of them to develop more online shopping options I think.


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