sunrise over lake

Handy Contacts and Kitchen Conversions for the New Year

A fridge magnet with handy reference numbers appeared on my fridge recently.

I wasn’t miffed. It sure is handy to have helpline phone numbers handy. Especially in an emergency.

No one wants to be rifling through drawers of miscellaneous paperwork where a child has swallowed something awful.

And I have to admit that occasionally, I need to reference the Council number to report an overflowing public bin or other public nuisance matter. But well, there’s the internet for that.

The kitchen conversions listed on the magnet are actually very handy.

I just need to remember to look at the fridge door, rather than my ready reckoner on the back page of my well-used Women’s Weekly cookbook, which I have been consulting for 45 years. A hard habit to break in one’s older years.


I seriously question the need to have the phone number for Defence Force recruiting at my fingertips.


I think a little and ponder: In what possible scenario could knowing the number of the defence force recruitment team even be necessary?

Perhaps whilst cooking my morning eggs or sipping a cuppa, I need to grab the phone, and dial the recruiting office to have a chat about enlisting in the defence forces? How would I apply? Was I too old?

Photo by Tyler Lastovich on

No member of my household will claim responsibility for the appearance of the fridge magnet so its source remains a mystery. On closer inspection, I spotted a clue.

There was a federal Government logo in the top right corner and a severed balding head at the bottom left.

On consideration, it’s a bit creepy and a tad unprofessional.

Did the graphic design department stuff up?

Was it a misfire with the office guillotine?

So many questions!

After examining the fridge magnet closely, I suspect it was complimentary – from a local federal politician doing a bit of advertising.

I believe he is losing hair.

sun rising over water at the baech

New Year Greetings for 2023

Where ever you find yourself this New Year’s Eve, I wish you a Happy New Year. May 2023 be a year of peace, friendship, altruism and thoughtfulness.

Here are some alternate ways to say it:

Godt Nyttår – Norwegian

Szczęśliwego nowego roku – Polish

Frohes Neues Jahr – German

नयाँ बर्षको शुभकामना or Nayām̐ barṣakō śubhakāmanā – Nepali

Buon anno – Italian

Hyvää uutta vuotta – Finnish

สวัสดีปีใหม่ or S̄wạs̄dī pī h̄ım̀ – Thai

Selamat tahun Baru – Malay

Head uut aastat – Estonian

щасливого Нового року or Shchaslyvoho Novoho roku – Ukrainian

明けましておめでとうございますor Akemashiteomedetōgozaimasu – Japanese

नए साल की शुभकामनाएँ or Nae saal kee shubhakaamanaen – Hindi


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Buy one thing

Come on Aussie, come on.

Support our smaller shops doing it tough.

Buy just one thing from our smaller gift shops to keep them going through this crisis, or when it is over, we won’t have those beautiful shops to browse through.

Your purchase doesn’t have to cost much.

Australians are renowned for their community spirit and helping one another. If we all join in, we can help each other get through this crisis.

The following link takes you to a small kitchenware shop in Buderim Queensland who has the most wonderful gifts.

Kitchen Mojo Shop at Buderim on Instagram

Unique Kitchen products include a trolley cover for shopping trolleys. They are made locally and make a wonderful gift for an elderly neighbour or relative.

They prevent germs from touching the handles of the trolley while doing your shopping.

When will you order yours?