
Life, Itself, is an Experiment

I was given a writing assignment from a community writers group:

Write 50 Words. Make the words count.

For me, that’s not easy. I ramble. I wander off topic, I am never succinct. Thus, I chose to use Ekphrastic Poetry, based on the art installation below.

A friend thought the colours reminded her of Ukraine. Maybe it applies to the wider world, too?

Progressive evolution. Time passes, change happens.
Nature swallows the weak, unhealthy, the unfit.

Humanity adapts, cherishes and supports.  

Personal disruption, national conflict. No coping strategies. No acceptance.

Guns for the disturbed, deranged or those wanting a big bang.

Build more weapons, erect fences,

No peace, no progress, no life.

Have you tried writing 50 words?

Did it help or hinder your word flow?

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40 thoughts on “Life, Itself, is an Experiment”

  1. 50 words! Though somewhat less insightful than your own ….

    The Experiment

    I took on a long experiment
    From the day that I was born
    Now I am getting to the end of it
    It is almost time to mourn
    Results are at my fingertips
    And they will shortly be unveiled
    If life is an experiment
    This experiment has failed


    1. The 50 word discipline is a good exercise to make words succinct, meaningful and relevant, Jo. It makes every word count. It is my intention to hone my writing skills and rein in the waffle which I am so prone to. My brain has to think of a summarising word that describes accuratey what it is that I want to say.

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  2. Amanda, well done. Here is a short one about religion, but it applies to countries, businesses, communities, etc.

    “Groups who build walls to exclude the other, tend to diminish in size, like a self-fulfilling prophesy. Groups that include the other, tend to flourish with the influx of new ideas.”


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Profound words, Keith. I like that message. An influx of new ideas are a good opportunity to learn and grow, especially if care is taken not to obliterate the original from history. Ten or more ideas might sometimes piggy-back off the one new idea.
      The 50 word written form is a way to get across a pithy message in concise form!


      1. Amanda, this is a lesson for businesses as well. How do you continue heritage knowledge and also have an influx of new ideas from new talent? The “Built to Last” companies have the right balance. Keith


      2. There seems to be fewer companies that follow the built to last business plan. This competitive drive to perpetually increase productivity so as to increase profits cheapens or lowers the quality as the years pass. Have we previously discussed the mentality of some appliance companies who want cash flow and turnover at the expense of quality and environmental ramifications? They claim they can build a product that lasts for 20 years, as they used to do, but no customer is prepared to pay for such a price for an appliance like for example, a washing machine. I tend to think that it might also be they want/need cash paying customers returning to buy a new appliance every 2 or 3 years as opposed to every 20 years, so they incorporate obsolescence. And there are always more gimmicks or gadgets that entice the purchase of upgrades.

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      3. I have a digital clock/radio my parents bought for me when I started high school in 1978. It’s still functioning today! Well, I don’t get good reception on the radio anymore. I still have a refrigerator my parents had bought around 1980. When they remodeled the kitchen in 2006, they bought all new appliances, but decided to keep that old refrigerator.

        A California fire station has a light bulb that’s been burning consistently since 1901.


      4. That is amazing. Light bulbs burn out more often than I change my underwear. And that one has been burning since 1901!!!!! Incredible. I heard that in the war a company developed a rubber tyre that never wore out. I can imagine that technology was buried by the tyre manufacteres.


      5. Amanda, Alejandro, good comments. Amanda, I think people are sold on the concept of wanting the newer thing and many buy into it, pun intended. I did read where people are keeping their cars for an average of 13 years versus 12 years at the last survey. Alejandro reminded me of a story a read about six months. A couple celebrated their 70th year of marriage and noted that they had just outlasted a percolating coffee pot that just broke, which was a wedding present. Keith


      6. The company making the coffee percolator should be lauded! I do hope they didn’t go out of business from cheap imitations!
        13 years instead of 12 for cars. That is good to hear but then again, the newer cars are better in regards emissions. I face a quandary in my own argument there! Lol.


  3. I’ve written one flash fiction piece that was 50 words. I tend to edit myself mercilessly so for me a challenge might be to write something 1,000 words long. But I haven’t.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You say you haven’t written a 1000 words and I find that surprising. Every time I write an article for the magazine I freelance for, my first draft is about 1600 words and then I have to cut it down to 6 or 800. Brevity is not my strong suit!!

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    1. I think you are right, Helen that word limits the breadth of thought. I find the word count the magazine editor allocates to me quite restricting. But I am a natural rambler when writing. (totally different to my shy self). I suppose it is good to not have superfluous wording, but not restrict it so much that it curtails the message.

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  4. Hi Amanda – I love that you are refining you writing and exploring so much (like with Friday ficttioneers etc)

    And the 50 words here was excellent.

    Two side notes – 1 – I would never say that you ramble to get off topic in a bad way.
    I have been following your blog for a while and feel that many of your little trails or side thoughts enrich and extend a topic. It is an advanced ability and while could be viewed as rambling (and is at times) it is what gives interest and depth – and can be very engaging and insightful.
    Kind of like some of the podcasts my hubs listens to (if he has them on around the house I catch some of it) and the side trails of some of the talks are the gift!!
    It is the iterative process that can lead to unfolding of unplanned tidbits and enriched content.
    You do that so well and so never lose that as you move forward –
    And with that said – it leads me to the second side note
    3) my thee years of writing almost 250 flash fiction entries was a huge benefit to me. Kind of like how you mentioned your reasons for the 50 word challenge.
    And I think all writers can benefit from writing short pieces and scrutinizing every word.
    It slows one down and can be different for everyone – but it can make us more in tune with every article and ever conjunction. Not saying the same thing twice (even though there are times when an article might need to have things stated twice – and isn’t thrice the suggestion for some writing – tell us what you are going to tell us – tell
    It – and then recap (three
    Fold approach )

    But in micro writing the aim is much different (and can vary depending on what we are writing)

    So anyhow – I am enjoying as you share about your writing exploration – but wanted to remind ou that you had a great writing approach already – clear with words and aims – genuine In thought, and interesting!


    1. Oh you are so kind and always so supportive and encouraging, Yvette! Thanks ever so much. I really appreciate that.
      Good point about the three fold approach. Intro, development and conclusion are saying more or less the same thing in different ways.
      I will take on board what you said about short form. I do find it harder to get an idea for fiction so draw on anecdotes and adapt them.

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      1. I am
        Reading a book right now about “writing” and the author has a little section about the trio approach – how it is not always fitting for all types of writing –

        I hope to do a brief review of the book at some point – but the big takeaway is there are different aims in a writing endeavor …

        Wishing you a good day

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  5. Well done, Amanda. I actually like word-limit challenges, although I don’t do them often. Here’s a 50-word story I wrote a few years ago. The title is Efficiency.

    Margaret was efficient with her household chores. Her husband often complained that he’d barely finish his breakfast before she took his cup and plate to wash and put away.
    That morning had been no different.
    Later, returning to their home from the morgue, she wished for once she hadn’t been.

    I’ve been told there’s a market (or is that markets) for micro-stories. I keep meaning to look more into it. I’m not a pithy writer, but I do like to edit 😉

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    1. Thank you, Marie. I noticed this short form genre is interesting for what the words tell you, but don’t actually say – ie the hidden meaning. You have grasped that skill so well with this story.

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  6. I’m terrible with writing prompts but I like the way that you approached this. I’d say you met your goal for words with meaning and did it with artistry.

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