
Christmas Gift Alternative – Plantable Christmas Cards

Christmas cards have short lives and are wasteful of resources unless you make them yourself from your craft stash.

I love this idea of plantable Christmas cards: When the card is finished, plant it along with the seeds in the garden soil. The seeds grow, and the paper decomposes.

You can even D.I.Y and make these at home from the craft stash.

Sending Christmas E Cards

E-cards still consume power. Look for ones that will donate to charity with every E-card you send as a way of helping those less fortunate.

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13 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Alternative – Plantable Christmas Cards”

  1. Lots of great ideas. Many of which I’ve used already. I have nowhere to plant here with hard clay. But my cards bring lots of cheer to those that are alone and shut in. I keep all the cards I’ve been given. I can use them for crafts and a reminder that I’m loved by someone.

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    1. The troubles with growing in hard Clay I know well, Marlene. Roses like it, but then you can’t eat roses and I am not really a fan of them anyways. It is lovely of you to repurpose cards! Saves money and recycled materials to bring more joy to others. Merry Christmas dear Marlene.

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  2. Oooo, I DID receive a card with a packet of seeds. I didn’t think about planting the card as well, interesting…. (Although I do like to save the cards we receive and review them now and again in the future.) We received very few cards this year. I like the idea of having a fairly sustainable xmas season but I really love the tradition of sending and receiving xmas cards (my daughter and I always collaborate in our family’s xmas card design). It is a really nice way to connect with people other than over a screen, in my opinion, and there is joy in hanging up their cards for some weeks for cheer and decoration through the cold, grey winter. But, so few are doing it anymore that it seems this tradition is fading away. But I am excited to plant the wildflower seeds this spring!!

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