
Quotes Challenge – Week 2

quotes Challenge

After being nominated, I created a photo logo, seen above, for this challenge and anyone is welcome to use it, if they wish.

I have varied the challenge guidelines slightly, as I will post three quotes on each post – one post over each of three weeks. Please also note that I dislike the term, “Rules,” and so have also customized this aspect of the challenge. Thanks to Millie for the opportunity to showcase some fabulous quotes that I find inspirational.


Confucius is a fascinating character whose quotes have featured strongly for this challenge:



“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
― Confucius

and more…..

“Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life.”
― Confucius


Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets – Leonardo Da Vinci


As this is the second week of the challenge, I have two nominees and both are in New Zealand:


Ineke has some excellent photography and fiction on her blog


Pop on over to see Raewyn’s excellent photography.


Quotes Challenge Rules – Guidelines



The rules  guidelines are simple:

  • Post three different quotes on consecutive days/weeks. They can be from any source, or your own.  All three quotes can be of a similar theme or can all be completely different/unconnected.


  • I am going to post three quotes on each of the three posts, one post per week, but that is my variation on this challenge.


  • Nominate 3 people for the challenge.  [ In doing this, I just wish to highlight their blog and place no pressure nor expectation that they need to accept or pass on the challenge. N.B. My variation is that I am going to incrementally nominate bloggers for this challenge, but do not feel bound to follow my example.]

Quotes Challenge – Week 1

Quotes give us profound words to Ponder About