
Phoneography and Non-SLR Digital Photo Challenge: Black and White (Architecture)


As it happens, Sally at Lens and Pens also picked an architectural subject for this week’s phoneography Black and White theme. And with a lot of contrast, architecture is often the perfect subject in monochrome.

This group of buildings spans three decades, eighties, nineties and noughties with a brighter foreground of more recent years. Modern history of a city of 35 years told in three buildings.

These photos were taken with an aging Nexus 4, and I applied a few basic filters (just for fun) through Picasa.

Focal Black and White
Film grain
Film grain – not my favourite result

and the original:

Original colour photo
Original colour photo

I think the focal black and white, which teases the viewer with a taste of colour, yet retains the cold rigidity in the architectural forms and for that reason, is my favourite. What do you think?

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Something to Ponder About

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