blogging, Motivational

Writing is Magical

Writing is magic,
as much the water of life as any other creative art.
The water is free. So drink.
Drink and be filled up.

Stephen King

At work we have a new sub-editor checking our articles and after receiving the text about the new person on our team, it suddenly dawned on me that this newcomer, called Ali, might be a fake. It might even be A.I. especially given my previous A.I. discussion.

I revealed this little pondering to my editor who assured me that Ali was real and then sent me some info on how he has found using A.I. in the print media sphere. He talked about the inaccuracies and of the copyright issues.

I thought: Did he think my question regarding Ali’s authenticity mean I was contemplating using A.I. chatbots to write my allocated stories and articles for the magazine?

Because if he did, he was wrong.

There is one overriding reason why I wouldn’t use A.I. and that is:

I like to write.

After all, we choose to be writers so why would we not want to write!

In his book ‘On Writing,’ the famous author Stephen King reveals that the act of writing for him isn’t about seeking fame or fortune, about getting dates or making friends. It is about digging up fossils, those stories that are there in our minds, waiting to be discovered or “dug up,” appearing in our imagination and the writers is the conduit.

According to Stephen:

It is about enriching the lives of those who will read your work,
and enriching your own life, as well.

Stephen king

The Yin and Yang of Creative Writing

Just like the sunflowers, writing, whether it be fiction or non-fiction, can make us feel emotional, broody, sad, even fatigued. Contrastingly, it can also be intensely therapeutic, revealing bright, sunny thoughts regaling with positivity.

Yin and Yang Sunflowers

Just like the sunflowers bursting into bloom – writing does enrich my life. It fills me with contentment and joy. It is creating or expressing something totally original and new.

Rarely do I experience frustration or angst from the act of writing.

Creating a story, a blog post or an informative article can really make my day!

How do you feel about writing?

Is it magical, cathartic or purely expressive for you?

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