Community, Danmark, History & Traditions

Still in My Heart



Still in My Heart

Home Sweet Home afar from me,
At least 20 hours over sky and sea,

A fairy tale land of red and white,
of rain, and wind, and winter nights.

Yet still you send my heart a flutter,
And here, I can but get your butter.

Cos’ when I’m sad and feeling down,
You can lift my spirits like a children’s clown.

What is this strange longing and connection,
I feel for such warm and fuzzy introspection?

Of land and family long dead and passed,
Would they think me to be completely daft?

Yet I am of them, and they are of me,
This continual spreading of the family tree.

The branches are the ancient Birch
Resilient, pervasive til one drops off the Perch.

If only I could stay or visit more often,
But my responsibilities and circumstances rarely soften.

So I must dream, wish and be ever so frugal,
And if I can’t afford to travel there, there is always Google!

Something to Ponder About

4 thoughts on “Still in My Heart”

  1. What a beautiful place Amanda and love the fountain. I agree with you on Google. Virtual travel are fun indeed. 😀
    Great poem and post! *hugs*


  2. Love this Amanda. I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland – land of many of my ancestors. So far, it’s been Google and WordPress, as you say! Ah, but maybe someday! 🙂


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