
WPC = Treat

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Treat.”IMG_20150120_115233IMG_20150120_115250IMG_20150120_115256IMG_20150120_120521phone 13 jan melbournePhotos from a fabulous piece of Italy buried in the city of Melbourne – Brunetti. Opening at 4.30 am each day, the service is impeccable and the food extraordinarily delectable!

Just as well I don’t live in Melbourne, otherwise, my girth would be much expanded!!!

I can’t think of a better thing to ponder and perhaps salivate, about for this wordpress photography challenge.

11 thoughts on “WPC = Treat”

  1. Such a great response to the challenge, Amanda. Lovely photos. There really is so many sweet treats to choose from and savour down Lygon Street in Melbourne. Always so spoilt for choice. Whenever I visit on the rare occasion, I walk away with a chocolate treat. I actually live nearby here, so the temptation to go there often is always there 😀

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    1. Lucky you, Mabel. I would end up clinically obese if I lived too close to Brunetti!! But the proximity of this area to the city is much to be envied.

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    1. Thanks litadoolan. We don’t really celebrate Halloween at all here but had a lovely evening nevertheless. Hope your evening was the same.


  2. Definitely lots of yummy treats to salivate over, Amanda. Brunetti’s sounds like the place to be – though preferably a little later than 4.30 am. If I’m up at that time, I’ll just take the porridge. 😀

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    1. Haha!!! The plate I had here would have to later than 9.39 am for me to consume it too. Breakfast is more about savoury flavours, I think


    1. One can never say no to a profiterole!!! 🙂 And they are okay if they are just an occasional “treat”…….

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      1. You will just have to brave the long flights to Melbourne one day, so you can see whether that is the case, for yourself!!

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