Community, Gardening

CFFC- Blue and Purple Flowers

This photo challenge spoke to me, and after a quick flick through my media library, I realize they do attract my attention wherever I am!

I hope these images give your eyes Something beautiful to Ponder About

In my garden
Ethereal Water Lilly
Noosa, Australia


Blue and Purple Flowers that I have in my garden and seen on my travels in New Zealand, Australia, Italy and Norway.

[Click on the individual image for a link to the media file]

More detailsĀ  from Cee’s page here



Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – The Colour Purple

Cee’s the colour Purple challenge

Purple can be a magical colour in nature, soĀ  much so that it almost looks ethereal in its different shades and tints. Some would call it lilac, or that dreaded word…. mauve….. I am not fond of that word. I am not a pastel person. Mauve reminds me of bland pastel colours, that can make me feel physically sick! Bright, bold, clean colours stimulate me. Yet this soft lilac waterlilly is one of my favourite photographs. To me the photograph is mystical and ethereal, but then I do have a vivid imagination…

Ethereal Water Lilly

Ā More inclining to magenta, I still call the flower in the following photo a purple cabbage flower.

Cabbage flower or fruit - Narita, Japan
Cabbage flower or fruit – Narita, Japan

Does Colour affect your mood? Something to ponder about.