
Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge

Standard Schnauzers

Michelle Weekly Pet Challenge, is a great way to post your favourite animal pics. Interested? Find out more here

Two of these dogs are pets who have been surrendered to the dog rescue, unhappy, anorexic and stressed but that was some time ago. Can you pick which ones they might be?

Something to Ponder About

15 thoughts on “Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge”

      1. Oops! I had one who also had strange ways of handling situations – was also a rescue dog! I rescued her from her owner who was abusing her. He gave her to me without asking any money. He was glad to get rid of her. Was a real shame!


      2. It is sad when it is not a good match between dog and owner, as most dogs love their owner no matter what. Just goes to show how bad the situation must be for a dog to become stressed. The dog on the far left was a rehoming situation – it is a high energy dog, forever obsessed with running for the ball. The middle one is Tiffany, my beautiful girl who had 2 families before she came to me from the rescue. Similar situation to your dog mentioned above. Tiff was a barking nuisance but only because she was mistreated, I think and kept on a runner chain in the back yard. I don’t know of any schnauzer that copes with being a yard dog. Tiff does has some separation issues, but is the most wonderful dog and thank goodness her first family treated her well, so she does not have any strange behaviours. The schnauzer rescue here does a wonderful job of rehoming dogs. What was the behaviour of your rescue dog?


  1. My rescue dog was so shy, always hiding behind something. She would also come nearer sailing down on her belly or as low as she could when called by a friend or visitor. Then a male voice gave her the creeps. When my son came to visit and she hears him she’ll hide away(he loved to talk in an aggressive way just to annoy her, you know how young up-growing “boys” are!)


    1. Oh dear, the poor thing sounds like she was abused by a male in her past. And yes, I can imagine the teenager aren’t always empathetic to this. Did she grown in confidence as time passed, or remain the same throughout?


      1. She-Megan- trusted me at the end and even wanted to dominate Nancy who was my own Schnauzer. She did it in a very nasty way because Nancy was a polite caring type of dog. That is how Nancy grew up anyway, I got her as a 8 week puppy, so you can understand how difficult it was for her also handling Megan the way she was reacting.


      2. Animal behaviour is so interesting! It is almost as if she adopted an aggressive personality, similar to the “top dog aggressive owner” she had once experienced in her past. Some scars run too deep, it seems.


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