
To Honour the Best Dog in the World


Your first two years were difficult, but you found your way to Schnauzer Rescue and finally to us. One of our family was a bit reluctant to have a dog, but you quickly won him over with your gentle spirit, your kindness, manners, and limitless trust.

We loved you so much, and you returned this love more than hundred-fold. You found us a whole group of like-minded, sweet, new friends, and great dog friendly places to go.

Strangers stopped us to admire and pat you, often mistaking you for a Boy Dog and we’d have to tell them that they were wrong, that you were our ‘Beautiful Bearded Lady.’

You were such a great dog, so endearing; you knew just how to care when we felt the world was against us. You helped us through the darkest times, you were there often reaching those, who no one else could reach, with your love and empathy.

I miss your intelligence, intuition, elegance and dignity;

I miss the way you wrapped your two front legs around mine when you were feeling anxious;

I miss how you would gently remind us that it was time to go – that light touch of your wet nose on my leg, or that concerted flick of my wrist off the computer mouse with your “schnauze”, when you knew it was time to prepare dinner!

You always had food on your mind!

Dog photo

You weren’t really impressed when new little sister Rebel came to live with us in your twilight years. She tried to take your bed, your mat, your couch, and your food. In true Tiffany form, you were gentle and forgiving, often taking second place to the younger model, while still guiding this ‘interloper, ‘ in the finer points of Schnauzer Border Patrol Protocols: sniffing out and removing neighbourhood vermin, possums and skinks from the property. The ‘Usurper’ became your ears when you lost your hearing and ended up as a pretty good mate to nap with.

Life wasn’t always fun for you; everyone has their troubles, but you didn’t deserve yours. Two unprovoked attacks frightened you and took you down, a cattle dog that likely mistook you for a sheep – (what an insult!) and the second, a complete ‘blindside’ by a raging psycho Amstaff, who also attacked your new little sister and nearly killed you both. It damaged you and shortened your time with us. We are sad about that.

dog beach

Even in your final weeks, you were careful to prepare us for your departure; you slowly withdrew from activities, sleeping more and more, never showing us how sad you were to leave us.

At first we didn’t want to admit you were ill; we didn’t want you to go, but even then, you made it possible for us to hold you close until the last possible moment.

And then, – and then  –   you were gone.

I cry and I cry, but I know that the tears can’t bring you back.

We grieve for your companionship, your trust, the feel of your soft velvety ears, your big soulful eyes and yes, even for the feel of that wet beard that you loved to rub all over our furniture, especially after possum hunting.

It is selfish of us, but we still want you here, with us.

You are resting now in peace.

Our gorgeous Tiffany, forever, you will be our treasured, beloved Schnauzer. We will never forget your spirit and we’ll miss you til the ends of time.

You were the BEST dog in the world.

From your Loving Family   ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Someone I will Always Ponder About







Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge

Standard Schnauzers

Michelle Weekly Pet Challenge, is a great way to post your favourite animal pics. Interested? Find out more here

Two of these dogs are pets who have been surrendered to the dog rescue, unhappy, anorexic and stressed but that was some time ago. Can you pick which ones they might be?

Something to Ponder About


Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 1

Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 1

Happy Hugger has a new challenge. All you need to do is to create a post with pictures of your pets and link back here. You can post pictures of your pets or even your friends and families’ pets, or you can post pictures of animals that you have photographed such as wildlife pictures. Birds in your garden, anything to do with animals, will be perfect.

Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 1.

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I have started Michelle’s challenge with my pet Schnauzer, Tiffany. She thinks she is human, and is a wonderful pet, that came to us from a Pet Rescue service, having been stressed, anorexic, and a declared barking nuisance, she has now blossomed into the most wonderful dog. A Swedish exchange student took the second photo with her dressed up for a school project, ironically to show how pets can be demeaned through wearing human clothes. Tiffany didn’t seem to mind being the photo subject.
Should pets be dressed up? Something to ponder about in the pet community.