
2019 – How Does it Look So Far?

I am not really someone who makes New Year resolutions as I prefer a little more structure around the aims and goals, however a little planning in February, can’t go astray, can it?

Boreen point lakeside beach

I found this little memo on the net and thought it was a prompt to think about general and personal goal setting for the year ahead. Even though we are two months in, I still feel  that I am just getting started with 2019.

Here are the ‘resolutions’ and my answers.

A bad habit that I am going to break – reduce or stop overreacting to personal bad news with knee-jerk judgements.

A new skill I would like to learn – I love languages and learning to speak a little Polish and Old German will help me in reading historical records, as well as be welcome stimulation of the linguistic neurons in my grey matter!

A good deed that I am going to do – assisting the Smith family and helping to re-distribute food via Qantas volunteer program. I like to support community projects and endeavours.

A book that I would like to read – I would love to reduce some of the books currently on my TBR shelf – one that comes to mind is Anna Funder’s, ‘All that I Am.’

A new food that I want to try – I’d be willing to try anything fermented or pickled – the probiotics contained within are so good for you.

A place that I would like to visit –  I would like to say something remote like the Faroe Islands, but as I am busy at home this year, there will be no long holidays, unless I count a potential, but not scheduled visit, to the Mornington peninsula, in Victoria or getting involved in research at the Genealogical Society headquarters.

I am going to be better at being – non-judgmental and maintaining calm ….. ohm……

Are you someone who sets goals or makes resolutions?

Do you reassess them regularly? Are they a useful prompt, or temporary navel-gazing?

Join in with the Seven resolutions and tag me in so I can read up on your inspiration for 2019.

25 thoughts on “2019 – How Does it Look So Far?”

  1. I have a wonderful kimchi recipe from Denmark! In Danish… but super yummy and diff from what you can buy on the shelves. Let me know if you want me to send it! Its a bit of work! So might be easier to buy.. And drink water kefir every day too. Great for gut probiotics! Also have recipe – you just need to buy the kefir grains! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would absolutely love that recipe. Even if it is in Danish. That sounds delicious! Can you find my email on my gravatar profile? Do you have to use special jars? I do have some kefir grains. Thanks so much for the offer. Looking forward to trying it out.

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  2. That’s quite the ambitious list you have there. I don’t make resolutions anymore. They last less than a month so I set goals and look at them regularly to see how I’m doing. Working my way up the ladder but mine are much more simple than yours. As for the TBR list, I won’t live long enough to read all I want so I’m trying to go through every hard copy of a book I have here. (Kindle not included). That way when the books are given away, they will all be read. I’m buying nothing new. That’s harder than it sounds. Working on getting control of compulsive eating by staying out of the kitchen but having not perfect results. Financially my goals are to spend less and save enough for a new roof that must be done this summer. That part is working since my daughter moved in and is helping with the rent. 😉 I make lists every morning and evening and watch as they fizzle down the drain first thing. But I never give up trying so I guess that puts me ahead. Not reacting is a good plan. I’ve had more practice than you so it’s a bit easier. Hang in there and keep working at it. 🙂 That’s called progress, not perfection.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Resolutions or goals, is there much of a difference. Goals seem to be more of a shorter term project I guess. Progress is much more achievable than perfection ever is, Marlene. As for the kitchen and eating, it is very, very tempting to snack or over eat when one is at home. I still enjoy being at work a few times each week so I am away from temptation. I wonder if I will have to be really disciplined when I retire and make myself daily lunch boxes in the morning so I won’t eat too much without realizing. The other thing I sometimes do is just snack at lunch, and miss meals but at least I am snacking on healthy stuff like celery and think meat or cheese slices.
      Lists? They are wonderful, but I do find them scrunched up in the bottom of my handbag, incomplete! Or I leave the shopping list on the bench, when I leave to get grocery shopping! Ahh. But it is in the writing down, that I remember it, anyway. I think writing lists is a great way to stay focused and organized, even if you stray from the path, it is a useful reminder of, “that thing you were going to do, but forgot…”

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      1. I keep important lists in my phone. Grocery lists for certain. I always have my phone. I have a daily task list there as well as beside the chair where I sit. If I don’t get it done today, tomorrow I know where I need to start from. I love looking at old lists in my little notebooks to see what I have actually accomplished. 🙂 I think resolutions are more definitive than goals. Goals leave a bit more leeway. So even though I haven’t lost any weight yet, I don’t have to give up and will keep working at it. It will happen now. Warmer weather and a bit of sunshine help. Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. My aunt is 72 and still works part time. I’m too much of a liability so no one will hire me. I spend entirely too much time alone, hence to trips to the kitchen. Today is a safe driving day so I’m going out to meet my sister and a friend. “For lunch” 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I hope you had a lovely lunch, Marlene. It must be such a worry what conditions you will find out there on the road. I am constantly reminded we are very lucky in that respect. We have the awful heat and humidity but we also don’t have the worry of ice over the road. I will have to be cautious about giving up work, you think?

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  3. I don’t make resolutions and goals either, Amanda, as I find it very hard to stick to them. I like taking things slow, one at a time. I guess for me this year, my goals are to be better at my job, use less social media and pick up a few books. I wish you luck in your goals! Learning Polish and old German, hmm that sounds interesting! I have come to a point where I am now more comfortable talking in Polish with Poles (no matter how well they speak English) than English. It’s just a different type of connection when you can communicate with another person in their native language, I can never achieve that with English here.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Sure dear, my most important goal was starting my blog and I finally did it, for the rest I have other resolutions like:
        Enjoy more time with my kids
        Read more books
        Get more close to god
        Be a better version of myself
        Be more mindful and kind
        Spend less money
        And finally appreciate myself more

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for the comments, Pooja. I so admire that you have become fluent in polish. Well done. I wonder what it is that makes it better to use Polish over English? Is it the nuances of humor that translate better in polish? I find humor doesn’t always translate well into another language. Many folks say that English has more words than other languages, and that is why they prefer it; you can express yourself better. I think it is great that you think polish works better for your communication. Sometimes english is a little too widespread and domineering and I think we need other languages along with their idioms in our world. That is why I try to learn them. Polish is very hard for me, but I do love the sound of it! Maybe one day I will be good enough to read and speak in Polish. That will be a long way off yet. My Norwegian, however, has come a long way but still could improve. How did you become so adept at English?


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