
Closing Down the Friendly Friday Challenge

Sadly, all good things come to an end.

After four years, and hundreds of posts across the blogosphere, Friendly Friday Challenge will soon be closing down.


It has been great, blogosphere,

but its time to move on.

The current Friendly Friday team have been unable to find anyone keen to take over administering the challenge. There have been some lovely offers to guest post, but a ship needs a Captain, as well as deckhands!

Along with my fellow co-hosts, each Friendly Friday team member will post one final Friendly Friday Challenge Prompt over the course of the next six weeks.

By way of a nod of thanks to all that Friendly Friday has given us: friendships, knowledge, wonderful photographs and conversations, Sandy, Sarah and I will then post a Friendly Friday Tribute in September.

In the meantime, there is still one further week to post your response to the Shapes Collaborative Friendly Friday with Frank at Beach Reflections.

More Shapes to Chew on:-

Some of my Artwork – Telemark Rosemaling
pink cotton candy held by two fingers
Guess what this is?

43 thoughts on “Closing Down the Friendly Friday Challenge”

  1. Hi, Amanda, Sandy and Sarah – I am sad to see the Friendly Friday Challenge close down. Thank you for the three of you for all of your hard work in bringing this Challenge to us. I look forward to reading your Tribute post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sad to see this challenge go, though I’ve rarely joined in, as I do seem to have others on the go too. But Friendly Friday is a good meaty challenge. I briefly considered putting myself forward, but then remembered from my brief membership of the Ragtag Daily Prompt team what a lot of work it is, if you’re going to honour everyone’s contribution, even though in that case, it was only a once a week obligation. So congratulations to the three of you on a job very well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am sorry to see that you and your team are closing the challenge down. I did not always took part but had had a lot of fun doing it. I do realize the tremendous effort that goes into each week’s posts. We commend you all for that! ❤️💕

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very sad news, Amanda. Thank you for the dedication and effort to keep us challenged.
    Amanda, Sandy and Sarah it was always a pleasure to see your posts/challenges and on the occasions I did manage, to join in.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Sad news! Challenges are enormous hard work, and you and your team can be commended for it!
    I do love your art work! It is really beautiful. Is the guess what this is candy floss? If not, then I’m stumped! The view through the barrel is really unique!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are right on the cotton candy, (its called fairy floss here).
      Thank you for the compliment on my art. It is a traditional form of painting from Norway, called Rosemaling.
      Blog challenges do take time, but are fun. I did like the routine of posting regularly as well as the blogger conversations themselves.

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    1. The challenge posts are quite quick and easy, but visiting the participants, which I think is compulsory, does take up time and occasionally feels repeititive. The rewards are new followers, new friendships and new blogs to discover.

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  6. Popping in to acknowledge all the lovely comments from everyone here. I’ve not been on the team as long as you and Sandy, so you two deserve most of the credit for what has been a super challenge over the years. I half-regret not feeling able to take it on ‘full-time’ as it were, but I’m realising that travelling and regular blog commitments don’t work too well together!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thanks for all the kind words on the Friendly Friday Challenge. As Amanda says it’s been a good long run, we’ve had lots of fun and we have a great little community. Although the challenge is going away – not quite yet, we still have another month – our blogs continue !
    We will still be active and participating in the blogosphere 😉

    And Amanda – along with all the other (North Americans?) I guessed it was cotton candy too. I much prefer the Aussie name ‘fairy floss.’ I like the version of cotton candy that’s whirled fresh and served on fair grounds and birthday parties. I don’t like the pre-packaged bagged ones. Which is not to say that I’ve eaten either for the last 100 years.


    1. This fairy floss was exactly the kind you are describing Sandy – whirled fresh on the spot at a street carnival. This one was about triple the size of my daughters head. Or anyone’s head for that matter. Spun sugar is pretty nice in this form. The bagged variety – like anything pre-packaged miss the mark.


  8. I’ve always been in awe of those who host challenges week after week. I realize what a commitment it is and how much work is required. I’m sad to see yours go – we need more friendly places in social media – but I can understand the desire to move on. Btw, your artwork is so beautiful and I love the cotton candy hurricane 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A cotton candy hurricane is a fun way to describe it. The “fairy floss” as we call it that day was huge! I rather like the angle of the photo.
      Thanks for your kind words on Friendly Friday. It was fun.

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    1. Oh no! That is no good. I am sorry to hear that. Keep doing and thinking things that support and serve you. Keep active if you can. Turn your face towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

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