blogging, Motivational

Finding a Kinder Inner Voice

Inner voices determine our mood and form part of our self-concept. There are times when listening to them is useful, but also times when those thoughts do not serve or support us.

Credit: Meredith Gaston

Some people will interpret a disagreement between two friends as aggression, and react in a defensive way even when it is never intended as such. Their inner voice is interpreting the words as unkind.

Surprisingly it is even likely we have been unkind towards ourselves.

For example: have you:

  • been self-critical
  • been self-deprecating
  • second-guessed yourself
  • overindulged in regretful retrospection

Promoting kind thoughts in your corner of the world is a beautiful way of counteracting negativity in our mind. Negativity that impacts thoughts and, ultimately, our emotions.

Our thoughts are never permanent and are ever-changing. Kind thoughts can soothe painful and unhelpful thought loops that are entrenched in our past.

“Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.”

― Confucius

Find your Kinder Inner Voice