spiral cloth artistic photograph, vortex

Feeling Miserable?

Life on this planet is on time we borrow,
The cup runneth over with anguish and sorrow.
Now babies might live, but mothers can die,
Children quickly grow learning to fight, kill and lie.
Was it ever any fun to shoot a fully loaded gun?

There’s an uncertain undercurrent washing through the world. Do you sense it too?

Citizens are upset!

They’re sad and despairing of political decisions that affect them living their everyday lives. Some people feel powerless to enact any changes and some are.

These rumbles permeate even the happy, chatty blogosphere. Its normally positive tone hamstrung by irresponsible politicians across the waves.

We don’t know where our world is headed.

Greed emerges as the new weapon controlling our fate.

The ripples of greed spread far and wide.

An unlikely source has some wisdom for us:

  • Vote for Ethically conscious candidates
  • Write (email) to your politicians – write don’t tweet
  • Speak politics and community to your friends
  • Offer Solutions more than Problems
  • Talk, Discuss and Educate