plant macro detail of a fern leaf

Pull up a Seat Challenge

Retirement brings many joys and one of those is the precious time to sit and contemplate. My life is busy, but I still find time to sit, sip a cup of tea and cogitate on what I can be grateful for, as well as troubleshooting problems and issues that arise in every family and one’s personal life. An important time to reflect, to think, to pause and step away from the devices.

A beach in australia

A beach is a fantastic place for this, and looking over the water is incredibly therapeutic. Cup of tea or cool drink in hand, the M.o.t.h. and I plonk a portable chair on the sand and for 30 minutes or so watch the waves or the goings-on at the beach.

Today there was a lady ranting about getting a ticket from the rangers for having her dog off-leash in the prohibited zone! She was not happy.

The rangers have a difficult job. Lots of unhappy customers, because who would be happy receiving a fine.

beach in australia with rocky foreshore
Where we often sit

Time is a precious asset you can’t buy more of

My Happy Seat

Joining in with XingfuMama who Pulls Up A Seat each week.