blogging, Photography

Friendly Friday Challenge – Colour Harmonies

Do you have an eye for colour in your photography?

Using colour helps to create mood and feelings in photographs and may result in a photo that is more pleasing to the eye.

baklandet buildings

Photographers can create a heightened level of visual interest and enhance photos by seeking out particular colour harmonies in the environment.

Such colour combinations may be

  • analogous
  • complementary
  • monochromatic

Capturing Reds, Yellows and Orange tones is an example of an Analogous colour scheme.

Seeking out or deliberately combining the following colours may complement and enhance each other.

  • Oranges and Blues
  • Reds with Greens
  • Yellows with Purple

Keep in mind the saturation and the value of colours will alter the way they go together.


A split complementary colour scheme might include shades of Red, Orange and Blueish-green. Josef Alber’s images are an example.


Using a certain background colour in our photographs can also influence how our subject appears. There is more of an explanation here relating to using colour to enhance food photography.

This week’s prompt for Friendly Friday is for you to find or create

Colour Harmonies

Trondheim river

Create a Friendly Friday Challenge Post

Simply add a pingback and tag ‘Friendly Friday – Colour Harmonies‘ to your own post, then return here, leave a comment below adding your published link, so we can find your post.

If this is your first challenge contribution, there is a full set of instructions on how to join the Friendly Friday Photo Challenge on my blog header.

Everyone is welcome to join in.

I will return in two weeks time with another Friendly Friday post.

Next week, you will be in the able hands of Sandy, my Friendly Friday co-host, who will post the new Friendly Friday prompt.

95 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Challenge – Colour Harmonies”

  1. Hello.

    Interesting. When on road trip and generally I shoot photos about those targets which I love. Then I am not thinking if colors are in harmony! Most important me is to show those photos which I love. Mother nature offers a huge variety of colors and beautiful nature art. This means that I trust on Mother Nature.

    Have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nature never gets it wrong, Sartenada. I do understand that we don’t just shoot for colour harmony, but to captuer an exciting scene or something we want to remember. This aspect of photography is just another dimension to think about when looking for subjects, staging photos or choosing a angle where they is choice!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Excellent photos of the reindeer and the cabin. The photo I like the most are the two reindeers walking away and the birch tree lining the lake. Did you swim in the lake?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent point, Lisa. If the scene you captured doesn’t work, you can cheat a little by using photoshop to enhance colour harmonies. There are loads of youtube videos exploring that topic.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree Graham. We might instinctively take a photo because we like what we see, but it is our eyes that have picked out something special. Often it turns out that it is the colour harmonies presented to us that attracted us to take the photo.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Amanda, good post. I not always conscience of color while I’m taking pictures.
    The world is full of color but sometimes the color needs a little help to fully enjoy the picture. That’s where my computer comes in.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your photos are lovely and the colors work beautifully together! Thanks for sharing your knowledge about taking better color scheme photos. I will need to study it further. I’ve been trying to improve my photo taking skills for the past couple of years.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Singlikewildflowers. I do try to include something a little in the way of photographic tips in the challenge posts. We never stop learning, do we?


      1. You’re welcome. I hope to have a lifelong learner’s attitude. It makes life more interesting and spontaneous.
        There’s too much to learn to never stop learning! Your tips are something new for me to implement in my picture taking skills. It’s much easier to understand it when the digested material is simplified by bloggers like you instead of reading it in a photo manual.
        I hope you keep adding more tips in your future posts.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Many thanks for the encouragement! I know what you mean about an abridged form of salient points. It is not meant as comprehensive, but more of a taster. Having said that, there are some bloggers who are into in-depth posting. And that is their perogative. Again, we have the liberty to take our blog in whatever direction we choose. How fantastic is that?


      3. You’re welcome! Nicely articulated and specific choice of words.
        Agree…blogging can take so many forms sharing a glimpse of our lives with others. It’s a big forum but there’s space for everyone to chime in the conversation.


    1. I thought it may be a difficult prompt, Sandy. I did have another lined up but it was canned when I saw that the Lens Artists offered a similar theme 2 months previously. A little too close in time for me. Hence Colour Harmonies. I am pleasantly surprised. It seems that most contributors have taken colour theory on board!

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    1. You really took on board the colour harmonies in choosing the photos for Friendly friday. I do like the dancers – where they Indian dancers in the final photo? And the Archer was an excellent capture. I could imagine they would have that framed for the archery clubhouse wall?


      1. I always use PicsArt to make my collages. I like that the don’t make you put a watermark on them like other apps do. I use Pixlr all of the time to resize my phone images for use on my blog to save space. It’s nice that there are so many options to choose from.


    1. Thank you for the kind words, Phyllis. I hope to be inspired to write here in another decade, but who knows. The cyber world is a paradox, so tenuous but also persistent.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s also fickle. I’ll post something and think, “This is brilliant.” The rest of the world will say, “Whatever.”
        There are times I’ll think, “Whatever.” But everyone else writes, “Great Job.”
        And yet we keep posting—because it’s fun. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel sure that there is some science behind the colour theory. Josef Albers wrote a whole book and investigated it some years ago. I think we shoot what appeals to our eyes, but it might help a staged photographic composition more than a natural set up.

      Liked by 1 person

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