
Monday Mystery Photo – Last week South Korea

Each Monday, I post a mystery photo, or occasionally a mystery object. I encourage you to leave a comment if you think you might know where this week’s mystery photograph, is located, or what it is. If you guess correctly, I will link back to your blog the following week when the answer will be revealed. Guest submissions are very welcome. Drop me an email if you would like to submit a photography to Monday Mystery Photo.

Where would you find this structure?


Last week we were in South Korea at the double decker Bridge.

MMP Sep 12


As Drake pointed out, in the comments last week, there are two bridges. Being a double-decker bridge, the second layer was built on top of the first bridge. Each layer has their own name.

Do you know what the names are? The beautiful rainbow fountain even has its own name.

Read more about the bridge/s here.

That shall give you something to ponder about.

Monday Mystery


Smart phones – as dangerous as Poker/slot machines?

Slow Tech by Joe Kraus The effects of Smart phone technology on our future lives.

“The ability of our brains to pay attention to anything will be lost”

The more we multi-task, the worse we get at it!

Average of text messages sent by teenage girls a month: 4000

Changes to our brain. The long term attention, contemplative, thinking part of our brain atrophies or dies, whilst the fast thinking distractible part of our brain is stimulated to grow :
Result: Decline in creativity and insight
Intolerance of, or feeling anxious when bored
Decline in manners or consideration or attention to others

Take a break as smart phones are here to stay and are helpful when the matter is urgent.
1. Taking a walk without your phone, practise meditation, just “be”
2. Have some phone/technology down time ( one day/evening a week) Joe Kraus claims your level of focus will be much better afterwards.

Related Article:

Something to ponder about.