
Phoneography Challenge: Black and White


I like the timeless nature of Black and white photos. Lens and PensbySally has a weekly phoneography challenge, that utlises spontaneous photographs we take on our smart/iphones. I took this one on a black and white effect on the phone to convey the feeling it was an old photograph.  I like that we can transmit feelings and atmosphere through such a narrow spectrum of colour.


Thinking of joining in:

find out more here.

Something to ponder about.

Australia, Gardening

Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning

jacaranda flower

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

This week, the theme is  “Good morning!” Every morning I walk with my dog, to the local park and dog off-leash area. This is what I saw this morning.

Moreton Bay Chestnut flower


Here’s how the challenge works:IMAG0993

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced.

2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag. and post a link on the page, so others can find you.

Jacaranda, chestnut flower, Australian native

Australia, Community

Weekly Photo Challenge: Focus

Experimenting with the Weekly photo challenge’s  prompt: Focus and a few f stops experiments with the new Nikon.


Vejen, Denmark
Vejen, Denmark

focusNudgee beach

Family 2lemons photographyf stop experiments…


Related Articles:


Australia, Community

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour

We all love to take photos of sunsets and sunrises, and even better the chance to share them. I feel sure that you have loads of photos to contribute to this Daily post from WordPress

Tin Can Bay

That was some morning there at Tin Can Bay, watching the gorgeous sunrise! I often ponder about it.

Related Blog Posts:


DIY Photography Tutorial – Aperture

It’sOverflowing has great tutorials on using a (now highly complex) DSLR camera and I definitely need some further explanations of all the extra settings. I can take a pretty good photo with my trusty auto digital Canon Power shot, but really don’t know how to use the complex setting on the DSLR…. so I started out with a lesson on Aperture.

Here are the results:

Taken with Nikon DSLR

with fstop-18:


and again in the below photographs:

(a) Low aperture ( f-number)Background is slightly blurred

lemons photography

(b) High Aperture ( f-number)Background is more in focus

The difference between low and high f stops did not seem to make as much difference in some photos, especially landscape, but one can see that because the shutter and aperture is open for longer, more light hits the lens. However, this photo was taken with an auto Digital camera, as a comparison.

Landscape with Nikon DSLR:

Some more photographic lessons to ponder about.


A Word a Week photo challenge – Island from A Word in Your Ear

Island is the word from A Word in Your Ear photo challenge….

Moreton Island - Tangalooma Resort
Moreton Island – Tangalooma Resort


Heading away from Stradbroke Island
Heading away from Stradbroke Island