
Proverbial Friday – Wisdom for Life

Weekly Quote

“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.”

~ Unknown




I became fascinated with traditional proverbs and sayings, their metaphorical layers and the many different interpretations found within just a few, succinct words. I marveled at their ability to transcend race, religion, opinions and age.

Several years ago, I created ‘Proverbial Friday’ on my blog.  Mostly anonymous, proverbs are a portal through time to generations past and echo a diverse range of cultures. They speak, to me, of the experiences of many lessons learnt and the wisdom from thousands of lives already lived.

Not only that, but they offer us knowledge; knowledge that is passed to us in much the same way relay runners might pass a baton. Once it’s handed over, it is up to us what we do with it and how we pass it on.


Weekly Proverb


danish house



The house that is built after every man’s advice

seldom gets a roof.

~ Danish Proverb

What could the Danish proverb be telling us? Is it similar to the trite saying: Too many cooks spoil the broth?” Or could there be another layer of meaning to this quote?


I invite you to join in the discussion by leaving a comment.

Everyone’s opinion is important.

What is yours?


Proverbial Friday – Something to Ponder About








12 thoughts on “Proverbial Friday – Wisdom for Life”

  1. I asked a friend what she thought I should do about a quilt. She gave me her opinion and I told her what I was thinking of doing. Explaining why I wanted to do it. Then I told her how much I valued her instruction. In the end, I will do what I planned after she came around to my way of thinking. Just wanted her to feel needed. It worked. 😉 I ask a lot of opinions but ultimately take what feels right to me. I call it collecting valuable information and then going with my gut. It’s a great quote.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for that wonderful example of collecting information. It is a kind of survey of opinions and also a little bit of psychological support what a lovely friend you are.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your quote – and wish that would be more of a fact to people of today. Some of us grow into not so pleasant personalities by getting everything we want – and fast too.

    The Danish proverb – well, I believe it is about the same as the broth quote, but there is more to it than that. I live in Skane, only an hour’s driving from Denmark, and we have the same saying. We also have many houses with thatched roofs, just like in Denmark. A thatched roof needs a lot of skill and time to get it right. So, to my thinking, if you follow every advice you get, building a house will take an enormous amount of time, so when you are ready for the roof… the roof takes just as much time and skill to build. I agree with insearchofitall above – listen to advice but follow your final feelings.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Many thanks for the input on the relevance of the saying to Skåne, Ann-C. It is useful remembering the ‘end’ goal in discussions or else too much time and effort in wasted in the machinations to get there. I can think of many community/ work and school groups or committees where this thing often happened. They got bogged down in the details and nothing was achieved. The goal can only be salvaged if there are people who can effectively move the group discussion forward to an interim step following the who what when type of plan!!
      Oh and we all know people who stamp their feet because they don’t get what they want. It is hard for them to accept that a problem is, or can be, a learning opportunity. Perhaps we should pity them? Or gently accept that they are on but one step on a long journey of learning to handle disappointments?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I like both quotes and the one about not getting everything we wanted – whew – can be a blessing.
    I read what the others so far have shared about the roof quote and feel the “time lost” factor was at play; social dynamics can lead to detours and delays.
    My spouse had been involved in three album projects with different musicians –
    The first one was the learning one and he asked for way too much feedback thinking that was better- it was not.
    Some feedback is needed – but not from too many or it is chaos and no deliverables (or roof) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So right, Yvette. Sometimes we shouldn’t ask EVERYONE for feedback. Some folks can be too blunt with their opinions when it is specific constructive feedback that is most useful. And I agree with Leya and yourself that it can sometimes be a dreadful waste of time. As you mentioned, We learn (to be judicious in), who to ask. Particularly when it come to something as individual a taste as music. It is of utmost importance that the feedback doesn’t stifle the whole project, (or the roof), lest everyone get saturated when it rains 😉
      A great point you have made there, Yvette. Definitely worth remembering.\

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So right, Yvette. Sometimes we shouldn’t ask EVERYONE for feedback. Some folks can be too blunt with their opinions when it is specific constructive feedback that is most useful. And I agree with Leya and yourself that it can sometimes be a dreadful waste of time. As you mentioned, We learn (to be judicious in), who to ask. Particularly when it come to something as individual a taste as music. It is of utmost importance that the feedback doesn’t stifle the whole project, (or the roof), lest everyone get saturated when it rains 😉
    A great point you have made there, Yvette. Definitely worth remembering.


    1. Thanks for your comment, Arvind. “Doing your own thing,” – Being true to yourself, these sayings are important. If you don’t stick to what you feel is right, at least in terms of basic values, you feel like a branch at the whims of the wind, or a boat without a rudder. I feel that values come from deep inside us, instilled early in life, and can be a useful guide in decision making, Arvind? Would you agree?


  5. Reminds me of the saying that a camel is an animal built by committee! Trying to incorporate everyone’s ideas doesn’t always result in a pretty outcome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Nancy, that is one I haven’t heard! Hilarious, but true! The camel is indeed a strange animal, but totally suited to its environment! Function ahead of aesthetics! Aesthetics are wonderful, but if it fails miserably to work, the future is indeed gloomy. Consensus is wonderful, albeit time-consuming, but it does have some limitations. The camel is a great analogy!


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