morning at the beach in Australia
blogging, History & Traditions, Mental Health, Motivational

Sunday Sayings – Emotionally-Driven Thoughts

We spend a lot of time in our own headspace, either at work or at home relaxing. In lockdown, some of us might be alone with our emotional thoughts, much more than we have ever experienced before.

This level of introspection, or mulling over problems, can get to a person, especially if they are a deep thinker or highly sensitive.

Concentration, Energy and Motivation

The extent to which we are occupied by our emotional-driven thoughts is often the extent to which energy is diverted away from our working memory, our concentration and motivation. We find it hard to concentrate on our work when we have something on our mind. The monkey mind, it is often called.

Caught Up in Our Emotions

We talk about being caught up in our emotions and it can feel like being trapped inside your own head. At these times, it is hard to re-focus on matters at hand. Our worry or frustration centres switch on and at times, go into, ‘overdrive.’

But those thoughts in our worry centre, are not reality-based thoughts. They are magnified, exagerrated, skewed or biased. We are so much more than those thoughts. Thoughts are not who a person is. Yet we give them power over our moods.

Just like a loud noise that bothers us, trying hard to block it out, will inevitably make the noise appear louder. This is because our focus on the noise has increased. We might even become angry and frustrated.

If we can’t remove the offending noise, we must decrease our focus in order to tolerate the annoying noise, or the many frustrations of our lives. If our attention is diverted away from focusing on the noise or the frustrations, we tend not to notice it and its persistence wanes.

Practising Mindful Strategies to Prevent Worry

Similarly, we can re-focus our attention away from the abyss of introspection, by practising ‘Mindfulness‘ techniques, which are designed to assist us in staying within the present moment. The only time we can act and live is right now, in the present moment. Everything else, the past and the future is only a construct of our minds, so focus on the here-and-now.

The Glennon Doyle and Buddha quotes may have been at odds, but one might assume their objectives were the same.

What do you think of this Sunday’s quotes?


Sunday Sayings – Truth


Speaking the truth – is knowing who you are, but is it always the best thing for everybody?

“Don’t wait around for someone else to tell your story. Do it yourself by whatever means necessary.” -Lena Dunham

So many around us choose to conceal, hide or change the truth to protect others or enhance ourselves. We are constantly bombarded by fake news, or so-called fake news. Perhaps the reports of fake news could even be fake, themselves. If so, then, what or where is the real truth?

Life isn’t about finding yourself.

Life is about creating yourself.

George Bernard Shaw
jump joy happy

We create lies, fantasy or untruths based on fear, craving or perhaps even ill-will. We create alternative explanations of reality to cover up our failings, or defer facing things that are unpalatable, in order to escape from feeling negative emotions. A coping or protective strategy?

Can truth be as individual as each person, in all our uniqueness?

Weekly Proverb

Examining any part of the history of Poland suggests that the Polish Proverb has been useful to the Polish population. Sometimes the truth needs to hidden to ensure one’s survival or, another’s survival.

In continually hiding the truth, some people may even begin to lose themselves.

Sunday Sayings

I became fascinated with traditional proverbs and sayings, their metaphorical layers and the many different interpretations found within just a few, succinct words. I marveled at their ability to transcend race, religion, opinions and age.

They offer us knowledge; knowledge that is passed to us in much the same way relay runners might pass a baton. Once it’s handed over, it is up to us what we do with it and how we pass it on.

Is truth vital in your world?

Moniga Del Garda

What do you make of the proverb and quotes posted today?

I would love to know your thoughts. Join in on the discussion.

Everyone’s opinion is important.


Sunday Sayings -Nature

Inspired by Marie’s post about the restorative effect of nature, and Peggy’s post referring to an article, in the Guardian, about nature being loved to death in some National Park areas of the world, I found these wise words:

Bearded Dragon at Coolangatta Beach, Australia

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature,

he finds it attached to the rest of the world “

– John Muir

Planet earth is large, yet the systems we depend on, and everything within, is connected in some way – through the water we drink, the air we breathe, or the soil in which we grow our food.


“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in it”

– Barry Commoner

Damage to one area can have an unanticipated implication for another system. That might be beneficial, or it might be detrimental. It might help in the short term, but be harmful to diversity long term. The ecosystems are complex, mostly resilient, but also sometimes very fragile.

Weekly Proverb

“When someone points at the moon, don’t look at the finger.”

– Ancient Buddhist proverb

Worth remembering is the sageful advice of the Ancient Buddhist proverb, written at a time when the environmental concerns we face today, could never have been contemplated. Yet the words seem just as applicable today.

Sunday Sayings

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct in communicating messages to the reader.

Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned.

Normally I would invite your comment and discussion on the various interpretations and intentions, of the weekly sayings and proverbs.

This week, I am inspired by Manja, and appreciate any comments or opinions you feel moved to offer, of your own volition.

As always, everyone’s opinion is important and should be respected.


Sunday Sayings – Wise Words

Weekly Proverb –

On Rejection or Abandonment

Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck Statues

“A false friend’s tongue is sharper than a knife.” – Argentine Proverb

How many times do we voice our disagreement with the boss, our friends or with our family? Do we hold back on arguing, and avoid it at all cost for fear of rejection? Or, do we feel able to voice it, but only in an environment where we can be certain of our own security and status?

When it comes down to it – who can really agree with everyone, anyways? Do you know of someone who can? I don’t.

We might fear being rejected or even abandoned and sometimes compensate in order to overtly agree with someone else’s opinion, even if it is contrary to ours!!

Why do we do this? Is it due to politeness, insecurity, or fear of negative judgement?

“I think that every new person I meet, will automatically like me.”

If you firmly believe this, you will most likely suffer with a lot of rejection and disappointment in life. Just ask yourself: Do you like every person that you meet? It is natural to be drawn to some folk, more than others.


Alle fuglar er ikkje haukar (somme er berre gaukar)

” All birds cannot be hawks (some are just cuckoos). “

– Scandinavian saying

Everyone experiences some kind of rejection in their life. It is impossible to eradicate all rejection completely, and as much as folks think they understand that not everyone, is going to love or accept you, rejection is still difficult for most of us, to hear.

Acceptance that rejection is just another normal facet of life, is preferable.

Perhaps we should keep the following saying in mind:

Ivar Aasen, the father of New Norwegian language, summed it up succinctly:

Til lågs åt alle kan ingen gjera – “No one can please everyone”

Trying to please everyone else can be a health hazard

Weekly Quote- Confucius

Finally, Confucius gets right to the point, bringing a dose of reality with his advice on our deep seated fears:

“When you have faults,

do not fear to abandon them

― Confucius

Proverbial Thursday

Several years ago, I created ‘Proverbial Thursday’ on my blog, which quickly morphed into Proverbial Friday. Now due to a new Photographic Blog Challenge commencing soon on Fridays, I have created Sunday Sayings.

Sunday Sayings give more time for deeper contemplation on the words and serious discussion on their deeper, sometimes metaphorical, meanings.

Mostly anonymous, sayings come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned.

Do you have thoughts on handling rejection?

Did you find anything worked well for you in dealing with rejection?

I invite you to join in the discussion by leaving a comment on the sayings from this week



Proverbial Friday – Judging

Weekly Quote

Peace of Mind comes from a change in Attitude, NOT a change in circumstances
- Anon

When we judge or criticize others, we create distance between us, but if we stop judging and analyzing people, we get closer to them.

The Taoists say, ” it is possible to appreciate people for their uniqueness – like you might enjoy a certain song.

You don’t have to analyse and pull it apart.”

Criticism and judging is hammered into us at school, and is particularly good for analyzing literature and scientific thought; however, is much less useful in our everyday life and creates unwanted tension.

If we judge people and situations and complain about others, we sabotage our own peace of mind in that we allow ourselves to be disturbed that things are not as they “should be.” The resultant tension often means we search for a way to control external uncontrollable circumstances. Nurturing  flexibility and acceptance makes it easier to just let things be.

Dalahest - Traditional horses
Traditional painted horses from Dalarna in Sweden

Weekly Proverb – Sweden

sweden snow
sweden snow

När man talar om trollen!… (så står de i farstun)

– Swedish Proverb

Translation: When you talk about trolls!… (they stand in the hall).

(When the subject of a conversation unexpectedly shows up/happens.)

What do you think about critical opinion and the Swedish proverb.

Is it relevant to our daily life?

Join in the discussion by leaving a comment below.

Everyone’s opinion is valid.

What is yours?

Proverbial Friday – always Something to Ponder About

Proverbial Friday – Jealousy

south bank at night 20150605_195413//

Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but Jealousy sees the sharpest, for it is love and hate at the same time.

Arab Proverb

“Jealousy is rubbing salt into your own wound. “

 Terri Guillemets

 How often does a partner, family member or friend have a behaviour that makes you feel jealous or uncomfortable? Have you ever tried to change it, or them? It seldom works and often times they will hate you for it.  Has that been your experience?

If someone feels they get more attention, than them, they feel less worthy because we think there is a limit to their love!

There is not. 

Let them be right if that’s what they need.

Mark and Angel

Maroochy River  Proverbial friday

It is far easier to change yourself.

What has worked for you? Join in the discussion.

Everyone’s opinion is important.  Tell me yours.

Proverbial Friday – always Something to Ponder About


Proverbial Friday – Quitting

If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.  ~ Chinese Proverb

Weekly Quotes

I may have shared the Gandhi quote previously, but it is soberingly valuable words to repeat: –

  • “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.–Mahatma Gandhi

  • You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.” –Rene Descartes

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct in communicating messages to the reader.

Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned.  Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.

I invite you to join in the discussion by leaving a comment,

as everyone’s opinion is important.

What is yours?

Does Descartes’ words resonate with you? Have you gained insight after pushing too much?

And why might the Chinese be emphatic about a Quitting time?

Proverbial Friday gives you something profound to ponder about.
Now posting on Fridays

Proverbial Friday

Several years ago, I created ‘Proverbial Friday’ on my blog. I became fascinated with traditional proverbs and sayings, their metaphorical layers and the many different interpretations found within just a few, succinct words. I marveled at their ability to transcend race, religion, opinions and age. Mostly anonymous, proverbs are a portal through time to generations past and echo a diverse range of cultures. They speak, to me, of the experiences of many lessons learnt and the wisdom from thousands of lives already lived. Not only that, but they offer us knowledge; knowledge that is passed to us in much the same way relay runners might pass a baton. Once it’s handed over, it is up to us what we do with it and how we pass it on.


Weekly Quotes –  On Learning



The more I awaken, the less I desire to fit in

– Unknown


This quote appears to encourage individuality, but then I read this which contradicts the first in some way…..


“People who are truly effective,

didn’t get there by chilling out.”


Hallingdal Golfjellet


The first quote praises inventiveness, initiative and creativity, sullying the notion of collaboration and conformity.

The second quote gives us a reference to hard work and not quitting?

I suppose it depends on what you consider “effective” might be.

What do you think?

Are these sayings too subjective to be constructive suggestions for us?


Weekly Proverb – On Learning

Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.

path journey 20170715_083310.jpg  

Keep learning because knowledge is the key to power ~ Polish Proverb  

I invite you to join in the discussion, by leaving a comment.

Because everyone’s opinion is important.

What is yours?


Proverbial Friday – Something to Ponder About