photo editing

Friendly Friday Photo Challenge – Photo Edits

Have you ever been a bit unhappy with how a photo turned out? Something a bit askew or colours washed out, or the subject didn’t have the same punch that it seemed to have i.r.l?

All of us have experienced that from time to time. The revolution in digital photography means that we can always take another shot.

Sometimes though, we want to play around a little and improve on the angle, colours, texture, of photos or add an filter or effect to it. Some of us prefer no filter, and that is fine, whilst others like ot have a little fun with their photos. Monochrome gives a nostalgic effect.

Friendly Friday – Photo Edits

This week on Friendly Friday your topic is ‘photo edits’. You can also choose to post the same photo two different ways if you don’t know of/have access to editing software, such as a before and after scenario.

It could be a before /after photo taken of the same subject at two different times, of the day or year/s, or at two different angles.

You might decide to simply crop a photo or add a fancy frame or effect. If you can, please include the original photo, so we can compare.


Here is another photo adding a graduated tint

Join in the fun, this week, on Friendly Friday. You are limited only by your imagination.

How to join the Friendly Friday Photo Challenge

Post a comment below and include a ‘Friendly Friday- Photo Edits’ ping-back in your post, so others can find your entry.

The ‘Friendly Friday Photo Challenge’ is launched every second Friday here at:

Something to Ponder About, and every other Friday at: The Snow Melts Somewhere.

Scroll down to more detailed instructions on joining in with Friendly Friday .

Friendly Friday
  • Publish a new ‘Friendly Friday – ‘Photo Edits,’ post including a URL link to this post, tagging the post, ‘Friendly Friday.’ Add the Photo Challenge logo, if you wish.
  • Copy the published url into the comments below, so other readers can visit your blog.
  • Visit other Friendly Friday entries by following the links. It’s fun!
  • Follow the host blogs to see future prompts.

Please note there is no deadlines for any Friendly Friday challenge.


Tech of the month: Long exposure

Long exposures allow you to blur motion and to collect as much light as possible. They often yield unreal yet beautiful images with vibrant colors and a large depth of field.

These are some experimental photos my daughter and I took on my Nikon D3100

2013-07-09 20.51.30


Connect the heart

Torch shutter speed


and the following two were taken with the Phone camera’s settings.




ToM is a monthly photo challenge. To participate, take a picture according the theme, and when you post the picture, create a pingback to Lucile’s post here or here to share your achievement.

Something to Ponder About


Week 12 Finale Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge – Craft Activity Collage

WeliveinaFlat has been running a Photo along with Firebonnet for the last twelve weeks. I only entered week 7, so I had some catching up to do. There is so much to learn about camera apps which are downloadable on  an iphone or android smartphone.. The first time I tried using them, I was hopeless at getting the app to do what I wanted, but persistence pays off and through many trials and errors, I am discovering all sorts of additional tricks to add to your photos to enhance them.

So in order to tell a story with photos in the finale of the Snappy H’appy challenge, I had to find a connecting series of photos.  My photo story is a craft tutorial on how children can make a wool sheep from pegs, cardboard and wool. My previous post also used this concept of photo editing so it is included below.


Kids craft



Cut out two small ears from black felt


Coloured sheep
Pre schoolers will love making these fun coloured sheep

coloured sheep


And the last post on my blog: (photo hereunder) is another collage I put together via Moldiv and Aviary to tell a story. Thanks to the Snappy H’appy team for inspiring me!


More info on using the camera apps can be found at weliveinaflat   I used Moldiv Aviary, and Picsart to enhance and collate these photos. Snapseed was used for the final photo

My Previous entries:


Telling a story with your photos and the versatility of camera apps to help you is something to ponder about