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Virtual World Tour of Bloggers


Vero has started a collaborative project collecting videos from her blogging community around the world. Being isolated doesn’t have to be boring.

Are you curious? Then, hop over to Vero’s blog to see the short Collaborative Blogger Video.

It was good fun to be involved in such a project and I thank Vero for organizing this “Vlogging experience.” I particularly enjoyed seeing some parts of the world that I only know from words on a screen or a social media posts.

Would you like to make a video of your corner of the world?

Photo by Anete Lusina on
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monument 9 11 christchurch
Architecture, Travel

Christchurch Cathedral – Now Lost


The Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand, was an impressive piece of religious architecture and a tourist draw-card for the small city. Sadly it’s now gone, due to two large earthquakes that occurred back in 2010 and 2011. I was lucky enough to visit just two weeks before the first earthquake.

History of Christchurch

For Christchurch to be declared a ‘city’, with all the privileges that entailed, it had to have a cathedral, so the pilgrims that sailed on the immigrant ships in 1850 and made Christchurch their home, built the cathedral in the historic style of the time. Clearly, they had faith that the city would develop.

The Church though a little damaged, remained intact after the first earthquake, in 2010, but the beautiful tower fell in the second event barely six months later. An earthquake-proof cathedral, presumably of a different design will be re-built on this site.

mosaic christchurch cathedral
Reproduction in mosaics on the floor of the Cathedral depicting one of four pilgrim ships that established Christchurch in 1850.

Early Pilgrims

Some insight into days on board the immigrant ships was provided:

Life on board was cramped. Steerage passengers were confined to a small space below the main deck. Single men slept in bunks. Married couples had a curtain for privacy. This space was used not only for sleeping, but also for storing everything needed for the voyage. There was a lack of fresh air, and dampness was a constant concern. Basic food was provided, such as salted meat, flour, rice, biscuits and potatoes. A bucket was supplied for washing and laundry.

Many suffered from seasickness. The worst, during the first two weeks, but for some, it continued for the whole voyage. Passengers passed the time at sea plotting the ship’s course, writing letters and diaries, sewing, playing cards and games, and dancing. Prayer meetings were held every morning and afternoon, and there was a full church service on Sundays. There were also school lessons for the children. Source:

The Altar

Christchurch cathedral
Before the Quake….

Christchurch cathedral

A door like the Cathedral entry door could withstand any earthquake.

christchurch cathedral


Christchurch Cathedral’s Stained Glass Windows

Christchurch cathedral
Christchurch before the Quake….

Not able to withstand the quake were the stained glass windows and curiously patriotic cushions on the pews.

Christchurch before the Quake....


christchurch cathedral

The mosaic theme continued all along the wall and floor tiles. They loved these sorts of things in the mid 1800’s. Didn’t they? A real treasure.


Part of the design included a Swastika, a symbol that held a different meaning, prior to World War II.

The Swastika is known as the Fylfot and is an ancient symbol found in the ruins of Troy, Egypt, China, and India. In Sanskit, it means prosperity from the belief that it brings good luck. The Victorians loved the symbol and I have a Victorian hat pin that is a swastika. It gives me the creeps, but historically, that was not the intention.


Not sure what the relevance of this was for, other than what it says.

Christchurch before the Quake....
Christchurch cathedral

Here is what the cathedral looked like until recently – Reduced to rubble but the door remains intact.

Work was scheduled to begin in 2020, on the re-build.

Linking to Norm’s doors


Small Windows

We bought the land near the water on a peninsula, because the local district has water on three sides. We thought how lovely it would be to have the cooling effect of the sea during our long, hot summers.

We can be kinder to the earth we thought, by opening windows to catch those sea breezes and not have to rely on air-conditioning units. We want to have an energy efficient, environmentally friendly house. But there are more rules to building then there are fish in the sea.

beach cricket
The beach near our home

The builders tell me the windows on the upper storey will have ‘restrictors’ which means they will not be allowed to open more than 100mm. (a gap too small for a child’s head to fit through). Believe it or not, in Australia, 50 children a year fall out of upper storey windows.

Why? What happened years ago when all windows opened outwards?

Did children fall less or more at those times? If so, I wonder why?

Torun poland
This is not happening in Australia any longer.

It seems that the authorities cannot trust us to do the right thing and take care of our children. They want to eliminate every potential accident, and that in itself, is a truly wonderful objective. Our children are safer.

The cost for this, however, is then passed on to the environment and the ambient temperature in our homes. Will children grow up with no common sense or spatial awareness because the regulations have kept them so safe that they are less aware of where their bodies lie in space. Then again, accidents do happen. Children are precious.

In two years time, every new house will need to have fly-screens fitted to every window above a certain height; screens that can withstand a 25 kg weight, before it gives way. Enough to hold a young child who might be bouncing on their bed and accidentally fall against the screen. Then we do not need window restrictors like this one.

It is sad that we need so many regulations and rules to look after our children.

What rules or regulations govern your windows of your home, in your area?

Architecture, Community

A Lingering Look at Windows -Week 17

The windows to our world for Week 17, from  The Day After, are some amazing stained glass windows. I was to stick with this theme, as I had a few photos of stained glass, in my photo library, but have decided to save them for another time.

A window into the world of the Hong Kong Jeweller,

Hong Kong Jeweller

and the second a beautiful window in an old building that is now a museum in Skellefteå, Swedish Lapland.


Skellefteaa, Swedish Lapland

Two vastly different regions of the world.

I lingered a little longer to ponder about them.


Join in the window challenge here

History & Traditions

A Lingering Look at Windows – Week 16

Another new challenge to become involved in. And it suits me as I love taking photos of windows. Windows on our world…. This challenge is hosted by Dawn from ‘The Day After’ who invites participants to post pictures of any windows that  they find curious, inviting, photogenic, or in some way tell a story.

Each Thursday morning The Day After will post A Lingering Look at Windows then sometime within the week you can leave your link on that post in the comment box or use the trackback/pingback method.


I’ll start with some windows from my time in Norway







Windows on our World: Somewhere to Ponder About Everything



  1. Pingback: A Lingering Look at Windows: Week #12 | Wandering Iris
  2. Pingback: Thank you, Dawn! | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic
  3. Pingback: A Lingering Look at Windows: Week #15 | The Day After
  4. Pingback: A Lingering Look at Windows: Lingering longer in Eguisheim | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)