
Proverbial Thursday – Pearls of Wisdom

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct, in communicating messages, to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a quote that I find thought-provoking. 

I hope you think so too.

Moffat Beach
Tooway Creek, Moffat Beach

Do you believe things happen for a reason, or is there merely a continuum of movement and progression (forward or sometimes backwards), in your life? Just as the river flows from its spring to the estuary, we are all on a journey from the lofty beginnings of life to the wide, winding meanderings of a river close to its mouth.

This week’s proverb comes from Poland and has many layers.

Do not push the river, it will flow by itself.

Polish Proverb

The quote this week comes from  Danish physicist Niels Bohr: –

 “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.”

I sense a touch of irony in his words. What do you make of them?


How much do you push the ‘river’ – or do you always go ‘with the flow?’

Join in the discussion by leaving a comment below.


Proverbial Thursday – Pearls of Wisdom

I find there to be profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and I marvel at the way they are so succinct, in communicating messages, to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and from across cultures. They speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes, like proverbs, make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a quote that I find thought-provoking. 

I hope you think so too.


The less you expect, the more pleasant life gets

– Anonymous

Do expectations set you up for failure? Or give you a challenge to rise to?

Is there one thing that it is impossible not to have expectations about? Perhaps our career?

Perhaps we might feel less burdened without expectations? I know I would feel freer, but I fear that my motivation might also then decrease proportionately. What do you think?

I think anyone who has an opinion, and voices it, will offend someone

– Peter Steele


Like expectations, is it impossible to have a world devoid of offensive opinions? Can we be so politically correct, so careful in our communication, so inert in our opinions that we do not offend?

Join in the discussion by leaving a comment.

Proverbial Thursday challenging you to have Something to Ponder About.