
Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.


Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.  I hope you will too.   An anonymous quote and proverb this Thursday to do with our own cognition.

You can not depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus   – Unknown

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the BS story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”– Unknown

Something to ponder about

Community, History & Traditions

Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.  I hope you will too.Family 2013 006


Brent barn skyr ilden”–A burnt child avoids the fire (Once bitten, twice shy)

Norwegian Proverb

Nothing lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the drama, take chances and never have regrets because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted.

Marilyn Monroe

Something to Ponder About


Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.  I hope you will too.

Springbrook,  Australia

Words can make a deeper scar than silence can heal.  ~Author Unknown

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
―Mae West

Something to Ponder About.

Community, History & Traditions

Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.  I hope you will too.

Danish proverb:

Det behøver ikke koste en bondegård
= English: It does not have to cost a lost of money (literally: It does not have to cost a farm)

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”


Something to ponder about.


Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the world.

Every one is cutting back, loosing jobs, money and contentment. Thank goodness proverbs are something that has not changed much over the generations.


Each Thursday I post a thought-provoking quote/saying and  proverb. Here is today’s contribution:

“Try to be like the turtle–at ease in your own shell.”

(Bill Copeland)

“Living is like tearing through a museum.
Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw,
thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering –
because you can’t take it in all at once.”

–  Audrey Hepburn –

Dansk: Skæg for sig og snot for sig =
English: Don’t mix business with pleasure,
literally = Keep beard (or: fun) and snot apart

Danish proverb

Something the bearded ones ponder about?

History & Traditions

Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.  I hope you will too.

Banksia Flower
Banksia flower

Når der er to torsdage i en uge = When pigs fly (literally: When a week has two Thursdays)

Danish saying

“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.”

(Joseph Campbell)

Something to ponder about today.

Community, History & Traditions

Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

???????????????????????????????I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.  I hope you will too.

Talk does not cook rice – Chinese proverb

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

(Muhammad Ali)

Something to ponder about.

Community, History & Traditions

Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

Proverbial Thursday – Proverbs from around the World

I find profound wisdom in proverbs, sayings and quotes and marvel at the way they can be so succinct in communicating messages to the reader. Mostly anonymous, they come to us from past generations and across cultures, and speak of the experiences of lives lived and lessons learned. Quotes like proverbs, can make us think more deeply about something.

Each Thursday, I post a Proverb or Saying and a Quote that I find thought provoking.

I hope yoIcelandu will too.

“He who hurries cannot walk with dignity.” In a Chinese fortune cookie

and a Finnish Proverb given to me by a blogger friend, Travel Bungle

“Keep going, said the old woman in the deep snow”

Rama said “We have no right to ask when a sorrow comes, ‘Why did this happen to me?’ unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way.” This one is particularly pertinent for me this week, having lost a family member.

Special words for you to ponder about this Thursday.